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Undergraduate Nursing Program

Bachelor and Professional Nurse

Bachelor of Nursing Study Program

The Bachelor of Nursing Study Program, Faculty of Nursing, University of Indonesia is the largest and oldest nursing study program in Indonesia ...

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Professional Nurse Study Program

The Professional Nurse Study Program is a type of basic professional study program which is an integral part of the Bachelor of Nursing Study Program ...

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Bachelor of Nursing Program

Head of Bachelor of Nursing Program

Ns. Shanti Farida Rachmi, S.Kep., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.MB

Bachelor of Nursing Program of Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia is the greatest and the oldest nursing program in Indonesia. The program has a sharp focus on preparing the graduates to provide entry-level safe, competent, ethical care to culturally diverse individuals, families, and populations across healthcare settings and across the lifespan, to function effectively as a member of the nursing profession and as a member of an interdisciplinary healthcare team, and to perform and use evidence based practice. In order to obtain the degree, students have to complete two phases, namely, the academic phase and the professional phase. During the academic phase, students will learn about the concept and skills of nursing in classes and laboratory settings. Whereas, during the professional phase, students will apply their knowledge and skills in the families, community, public health centers, and/ or hospitals settings.

The Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia (FoN UI) fully recognizes the pivotal role of nursing in improving better health outcomes for all people. To this end, the Bachelor of Nursing Program of Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia always strives for an excellent nursing education to prepare for the best generations of nurses. Besides that, Bachelor of Nursing Program of Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia also fulfil roles of three university pillars that known as Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi that includes education, research and community services. These roles represented on Bachelor of Nursing Program of Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia goals. The Bachelor of Nursing Program of Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia consists of the academic phase and the professional phase to nurture students to become professional nurses with a strong foundation of theory and knowledge. In this pursuit, FoN UI sets the vision, mission, and objectives of Bachelor of Nursing Program of Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia as follows:


"By 2035, becoming as a center for developing culturally sensitive nursing science and technology and can compete nationally and internationally and contribute to health development."


  1. Provide broad and fair access for the community to take quality nursing education at the undergraduate level.
  2. Organizing quality and relevant Tridharma activities to the challenges of developing national and global health and nursing services.
  3. Prepare students to become graduates who are highly intellectual, have noble character and adhere to the Indonesian Nursing Code of Ethics so that they are able to compete nationally and globally.
  4. Creating an academic climate that is able to support the realization of the vision of the study program.
  5. Increasing national and global networks to achieve quality Tridharma and a good nursing image.
  6. Applying fact-based nursing practice (Evidence Based Practice).
  7. Fostering nursing institutions and alumni in order to improve competence.
  8. Contribute actively to the achievement of the vision of the University of Indonesia to become an independent and superior legal institution that is able to solve problems and challenges at the national and global levels, towards excellence in Southeast Asia.


  1. Disseminate culturally sensitive nursing science and technology and seek its application to improve public health.
  2. Creating a professional nursing community that upholds the nursing code of ethics.
  3. Produce quality graduates who have expertise in urban care, so that they are able to compete nationally and internationally.
  4. Produce a variety of nursing research that can contribute to the development of culturally sensitive nursing science to solve urban nursing problems carried out both independently and in collaboration with domestic and foreign partners.
  5. Encouraging and supporting the active participation of the academic community in health development and community service.
  6. Create a network of national and international cooperation to improve the quality of the tri-dharma and improve the image of nursing in general, especially FoN UI.

Graduate Profile

Nurses are able to provide nursing care to clients by using knowledge and expertise in managing clients ethically, culturally sensitive, effective and professional based on scientific mastery, IT and evidence-based practice and able to make decisions independently in various stages of nursing care (assessment, formulation of nursing diagnoses, planning, implementation and evaluation).

Graduates of the program are professional nurses who are intelligent and competent in providing nursing care to clients in a healthy range of illness throughout human life in various nursing service settings. Nursing care provided is based on nursing science and various other sciences that support nursing. Graduates must be able to use the nursing process approach. As providers of nursing care, nurses help clients improve their health independently and or in collaboration with other health teams. Health improvement is not only through physical treatment and healing, but also includes measures to restore emotional, spiritual and social well-being. As a provider of nursing care, nursing graduates are also expected to be able to help and assist clients and their families to set goals and achieve these goals effectively and efficiently.

Graduates of the program are prepared as leaders who are competent, flexible, and able to motivate / encourage others around them, including clients, families, and co-workers / colleagues in their community to adapt to changes and achieve organizational goals effectively.

Professional nurses from graduate programs are able to become educators through knowledge transfer activities to clients, peer groups, other health teams, and other disciplines. In their role as educators, graduates are able to demonstrate role models to stimulate, motivate, teach, and receive feedback.

Professional nurses who are graduates of the program at the time of providing health services must be able to perform nursing management functions at the first-line management level (lower manager). In addition, graduates are also able to manage nursing care for groups of nurses and / or clients.

Nurse program graduates are able to conduct research in the field of science to improve the quality of nursing care that they provide. Nurses must be able to identify gaps between the theory of nursing care and professional practice given, formulate problems, and identify alternative problem solving. The choice of problem solving alternatives is obtained through library research activities, discussions with experts, or using the results of existing nursing research.

Career Prospect

Anybody interested in helping other people and having plenty of job security should consider getting a nursing degree. FoN UI  prepares student to be professional nurses who are capable in providing nursing care, leading the community, educating people, carrying out nursing management functions and conducting research . The majority of nurses work in hospitals, but some also work in private clinics, schools, nursing care facilities, prisons, military bases and more. Experienced nurses are often called on to supervise other nurses, teach essential nursing skills to students, handle administrative tasks and even conduct research. Data on the needs of nursing staff in Indonesia.
The Situation of Nursing Staff in Indonesia Source from the Indonesian Ministry of Health)

Student Admission

The regular program accepts students from High School graduates (majoring life science in high school) who have passed the national examination or received the invitation as the outstanding high school graduates According to that Rector’s Decree, the selection scheme for the students of the regular program consists of

a. The National Examination for the Public Universities “Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri/SNMPTN” or invitation scheme

Selection for SNMPTN is based on high school academic portfolio. High school students with high and consistent grades are invited to enroll to state universities without tests through SNMPTN. Schools are required to submit school and student database (PDSS) in a complete and correct manner, and in addition, push and support students in the process of SNMPTN registration which are based on invitation. Final selection of students who are accepted through these schemes will be determined by the University. The selection process is done by the New Student Admission Office (Kantor Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru). The selection team is appointed by the Rector, and will select new students based on student’s school academic achievement, consistency of grades, and quality or rank at school. Based on data in the last three years, there has been an escalation in the percentage of students who were accepted through University invitations. The selection process is held from December to April.

b. The Joint Selection for the Public Universities “Seleksi Bersama Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri/SBMPTN

The SBMPTN test is conducted simultaneously in July throughout Indonesia. The test is accountable, transparent, and universal. It ignores race, gender, religion, social class, and economic capability of students. The government provides scholarships for intelligent coming from unfortunate families. About 30-40% of students are accepted through this test.

c. Universitas Indonesia Entry Examination “Seleksi Masuk UI/SIMAK UI

Since 2009, the government has allowed state universities to organize independent new student admission tests. Details and information about Universitas Indonesia’s admission procedures can be accessed from and

The transfer program allows the Diploma 3 nurses (nursing diploma done in three years) graduates passing the entry examination and the requirement to take the Bachelor Nursing at FoN UI. Specific for the transfer program, entry selection is only done through the Universitas Indonesia Entry Examination (“Seleksi Masuk UI/SIMAK UI”)

a. Universitas Indonesia Entry Examination “Seleksi Masuk UI/SIMAK UI

Since 2009, the government has allowed state universities to organize independent new student admission tests. Details and information about Universitas Indonesia’s admission procedures can be accessed from and


  • The Undergraduate Nursing Program FON-UI currently implements two curricula, the 2012 curriculum for 2015 and 2016 students and the 2017 curriculum which start to implement for admission 2017 in 2017/2018 semester. During this transition period 2015 and 2016 students continue the 2012 curriculum, while 2017 and 2018 students run new curriculum or 2017 curriculum.
  • The 2012 curriculum consists of a total of 144 credits consisting of 142 compulsory courses and 2 elective courses. While the 2017 curriculum consists of 144 credits consisting of 140 credits of compulsory courses and 4 credits of elective courses.
  • If there is a discrepancy/difference in credit amount in the transition, such as students not passed for courses in the 2012 curriculum, students will continue to take the same courses in the 2012 curriculum. For 2015 and 2016 students who take academic leave in the first or second semester and then will continue their studies, there will be reviewing for the courses that have been taken before. Then, students will continue using the 2017 curriculum.

Nursing Learning Laboratories

Nursing laboratory is an important facility to support the clinical learning of nursing students. Faculty of nursing Universitas Indonesia provides nursing learning laboratories which allow students to see, learn and practice nursing skills and procedures in simulated setting. All the nursing laboratories are equipped from low to high fidelity simulators and offer all clinical equipment designed for the care of adult, geriatric, pediatric, psychiatric, maternity and newborn patients in the acute, critical care or long term.

Downloadable Information

Tuition Fee

The tuition fee or “Uang Kuliah Tunggal” (UKT), for the BNP is decided each year according to Rector’s Decree No.513, year 2020. The UKT includes fees for tuition, laboratories, clinical placement, and campus facilities (bus/transportation in campus, health services, counselling, library, internet, sports field, and facility in the student center). Universitas Indonesia uses Equal Education Fees (BOP-B) and Elective Education Operating Costs (BOP-P) for the regular bachelor program. The BOP-B provides support for prospective students to pay tuition fees based on their parent’s income. Hereby, we elaborate both tuition fee groups applicable for Regular Undergraduate Programs in the Health Studies Cluster (see: Tuition fee amount).