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Master of Nursing Science Programme

Master of Nursing Science Study Program

Head of Study Program

Dr. Tuti Nuraini, S.Kp., M.Biomed.

The Master of Nursing Science Program at Universitas Indonesia was officially established in 1998, based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 324/DIKTI/Kep./1998 dated September 7, 1998. The program accepts applicants with a background in Nursing (SKp or Ners) and a high school diploma in either Science or Social Sciences. Initially, the program was functionally and structurally managed under the Postgraduate Program of Universitas Indonesia. However, since 2000, in line with UI’s transformation into a State-Owned Legal Entity (BHMN), the management of this mono-disciplinary program was transferred back to the Faculty of Nursing UI. Over time, the Master of Nursing Science Program has developed several specializations, including:

  • Nursing Leadership and Management
  • Community Nursing
  • Maternity Nursing
  • Medical-Surgical Nursing
  • Mental Health Nursing
  • Pediatric Nursing
  • Oncology Nursing
  • Geriatric Nursing

The master's program can be completed within 4 semesters, with a maximum duration of 6 semesters. Since 2022, FoN UI has facilitated students from several specializations to complete the master's program in just 3 semesters. Graduates of the Master of Nursing Science Program will receive the academic degree of Master of Nursing (M.Kep.).


"To establish the Master of Nursing Science Program as a center for the development of culturally sensitive nursing science and technology, capable of competing nationally and internationally, and contributing to health development by 2035."


  1. Providing broad and equitable access for the public to pursue a quality Master of Nursing Science education.
  2. Organizing high-quality Tridharma activities (education, research, and community service) that are relevant to the evolving challenges of healthcare and nursing services, both nationally and globally.
  3. Preparing students to become highly intellectual graduates of the Master of Nursing Science program, with strong moral character and adherence to the Indonesian Nursing Code of Ethics, enabling them to compete nationally and globally.
  4. Creating an academic environment that supports the realization of the vision of the Master of Nursing Science program at the Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Indonesia.
  5. Establishing national and global networks to achieve high-quality Tridharma and enhance the reputation of nursing.
  6. Developing evidence-based nursing practices (Evidence-Based Practice).
  7. Supporting the institution and alumni of the Master of Nursing Science program in improving their competencies.

Graduate Profile

The graduate profile of the Master of Nursing Science Program at the Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Indonesia, is a Master of Nursing who is capable of advancing knowledge and expertise in designing advanced nursing care in an ethical, culturally sensitive, and professional manner.


Class Schedule and Location

  1. Possess a Ners (Professional Nurse) degree from an institution with at least a B accreditation or equivalent.
  2. Possess a Competency Certificate or a Ners Registration Certificate.
  3. Have a minimum of one year of work experience in nursing, relevant to the chosen area of specialization; prospective students can choose specializations in Nursing Leadership and Management, Community Nursing, Maternity Nursing, Medical-Surgical Nursing, Pediatric Nursing, Mental Health Nursing, Oncology Nursing, or Geriatric Nursing.
  4. Have a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale).
  5. Minimum criteria for the TPA (Test Potensi Akademik) and English language scores as specified by Universitas Indonesia.
  6. For prospective students who:
    a. For students who will pay for their education independently: submit a notarized statement confirming their intention to enroll in the master's and specialization program according to their chosen area of interest.
    b. For students with study permits or assignments: submit a notarized statement from the institution assigning the prospective student to participate in the master's and specialization program according to their chosen area of interest.
  7. Receive a recommendation from the interviewer (after the interview at the Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Indonesia).
  1. Apply online at the site
    a. Fill in the track record and upload the academic requirement documents: Ners diploma (make 1 pdf file)
    b. Education institution accreditation certificate of at least B;
    c. Certificate of competency or Nurse Registration Certificate;
    d. Certificate of work experience
    e. Statement letter (following the S2+specialist education package for management specialisation applicants;
    f. Letter of permission/learning assignment from the head of the institution where you work
    g. Valid TPA and TOEFL (if applicable) at the link ; if the document is not uploaded, it will be considered as not fulfilling the administrative requirements.
  2. Make payment of SIMAK UI registration fee.
  3. Take the written examination organised by the University of Indonesia;
  4. Participated in an interview organised by Faculty of Nursing UI

Place: FoN UI, UI Depok Campus

Class Schedule: 5 days a week; hours between 08:00 and 18:00.

Program Learning Outcome

  • Develop logical, critical, systematic, and creative thinking through scientific research, creation of designs or works of art in the field of nursing science and technology
  • Solve problems in society and industry, through interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary approaches, and collaborative networks.
  • Learn independently, behave ethically, and adaptively and culturally sensitive.

Related Documents

  1. This service is used to facilitate the management of administrative activities in the Master's program at every opportunity. Students who wish to request administrative services (documents) can fill out the following form and upload their Application Proof Form. Students who will request documents such as preliminary study letters, research permits, or instrument testing should follow the procedures below:
  2. Download the following form:
    APPLICATION FORM for Preliminary Study, Research Permit, and Research Instrument Testing
  3. Print and complete the letter application form, and sign it.
  1. Please fill out the form below:
  3. This is a requirement for registering for the proposal seminar, result seminar, and thesis defense, which must be completed no later than three days before the agreed time set by the final project supervisor. Please upload all required documents in the format provided by the Master’s Program of FoN UI.