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FON UI Online Certificate Application

Flow of Application for Online Certificate Issuance FoN UI

1. Select and Download the Template you will be using

Select a preferred certificate template and download and edit the template.

Bahasa Template

Template 1
Template 2
Template 3
Template 4
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English Template

Template 1
Template 2
Template 3
Template 4
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2. Download Certificate Recipient Database Template and Draft Application Letter

Position Echelonization

This file is additional information.
This file contains information on what echelons and officials are in those echelons.

Certificate Recipient Database Template

Download this file, Fill in the participant data in the column Nama PesertaInstitusi PesertaPoin SKP, and Kepesertaan.
Do not delete/add columns from the existing template.

Draft Letter of Request

Download this file, if your letter is for an internal work unit of FON UI.
Example: Division, Department, etc. that have numbering codes for official notes.

Draft Letter of Request

Download this file, if your letter type is for other than internal work units of FON UI.
for example: Student Organizations, Other Institutions that cooperate with FON UI, etc. that do not have official note numbering codes because they usually have their own number codes and/or letterheads.

3. Prepare Files for Application for Certificate Issuance

Edit the files downloaded in Step1 and Step 2.

  1. Design Template The downloaded file is then edited and saved as a PNG file,
  2. Certificate Recipient Data is inputted into the Certificate Recipient Database Template,
  3. Letter of Request is made in accordance with the draft Request Letter and has been signed by the relevant officials,
  4. Activity Information Letter (Activity Invitation Letter or Committee Task Letter) has been made and signed by the relevant officials.

4. Fill out the Certificate Submission Form

Fill in the Certificate Submission Form by following the instructions on the form.
