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FON UI Health Research Ethics Committee

FON UI Health Research Ethics Committee

Health Research Ethics Committee is an institution within FON UI that is tasked with reviewing proposed research protocols. The ethics team strives to ensure that research is of high quality, that is, that it upholds human dignity and rights as stated in the Declaration of Helsinki.

Ethics Review Submission Procedure

The procedure for submitting and proposing a research ethics review is by completing the required files before sending to the ethics team. The requirements that must be prepared include,

  1. Ethics review request letter signed by the principal investigator, saved in PDF format (Application Letter Format);
  2. Research proposal saved in PDF format;
  3. Plagiarism test result sheet saved in PDF format (test result ≤ 20%);
  4. The research ethics protocol fill sheet saved in Ms. Word format (Research Protocol Formats);
  5. Proof of ethical payment for proposers from the FON UI community (unit costs and account numbers can be seen at Decree on Ethics Fee of FON UI)
    • Catatan: bagi pengusul dari luar FIK UI, pembayaran dilakukan setelah usulan etik diterima untuk dikaji.
  6. Plagiarism-free statement sheet signed by students (on stamp duty) and supervisor in PDF format (Plagiarism Free Statement Format);
  7. Ethics review sheet for reviewers that has been filled with names and research titles in Ms. Word format (Ethics Review Sheet Format);
  8. Research explanation sheet, informed consent, and instrument along with the complete procedure when using an intervention design using PDF format. When using an intervention design, the explanation sheet for respondents is made separate between the control group and the intervention group. When using multiple research designs, the explanation sheet, informed consent, and instrument dibuat sesuai masing masing tahap penelitian; (Contoh Template Lembar Penjelasan Penelitian) dan
  9. Jenis penelitian yang tidak memerlukan izin etik merupakan jenis review penelitian seperti Systematic Review, Scoping Review, Concept Analysis, Penelitian Data Sekunder, dan sejenisnya. 

 Pastikan semua persyaratan telah sesuai dengan format dan ketentuan untuk kemudian dapat diproses.

* Usulan kaji etik wajib diajukan sebelum penelitian dilaksanakan, apabila ditemukan bahwa usulan diajukan pada saat penelitian berlangsung atau telah dilaksanakan, maka proses etik tidak dapat dilanjutkan (diputus) dan biaya etik tidak dapat dikembalikan.

 Further information can contact the ethics team secretariat via email

Flow of Ethics Review Process