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Prof. Herni Susanti, S.Kp, M.N., Ph.D

Professor | Department of Mental Health Nursing

Building & Room : Rumpun Ilmu Kesehatan Building A, 2nd Floor
Contact (office) : +62 21 7884 9120
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  • Bachelor of Nursing, graduated in 1998 from the Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia
  • Master of Nursing, graduated in 2005 from the School of Nursing Curtin University of Technology, Australia
  • Doctoral of Nursing, graduated in 2016 from the School of Nursing, University of Manchester, UK

Professional membership

  • Member of Indonesian Nurses Association Educational Institution
  • Indonesian Mental Health Nurses Association
  • Indonesian National Nurse Association


Herni is a mental health professional who started her career since 1998 when she joined in the Mental Health Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia. Since then, she has been enthusiastic to satisfy her passion around the development of mental health in her country and worldwide.

As a lecturer, she has been teaching to undergraduate and post-graduate students related to her expertise including communication for health professionals, mental health nursing, family interventions in mental health practice, and ethics in health care. Her teaching role is not only limited in classes, but also in clinical placement. To add, the teaching tasks also cover other units that she is qualified such as qualitative research and English for nurses.

Herni is also excited to conduct research which is relevant to her interest in interventions for families of people wit mental health problems, disaster nursing, stress and stigma of infectious diseases (Covid-19), addiction, and mental health care for marginalized population. Herni’s research activities will continue due to her role as the supervisor for her undergraduate and postgraduate students undertaking research projects. Some of these research products have been published in the national or international journals.

Herni is now holding a position as the Manager of Coorporation and Alumny Affairs Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Indonesia. She is engaged in research divisions of some organizations such as the Indonesian Mental Health Nurses Association and Indonesian National Nurse Association, and Secretary of Green Crescent Indonesia, a NGO in addiction prevention. She is also one of editors in a number of national Journals.

Recently, Herni has been awarded by the Ministry of Research and Technology for outstanding contribution to research knowledge in 2020, published an article in Health Expectation – a high impact journal, entitled Exploring the potential use of patient and public involvement to strengthen Indonesian mental health care for people with psychosis: A qualitative exploration of the views of service users and carers; and as the 3rd outstanding lecturer of Universitas Indonesia year 2020 for accomplishment in teaching, research and community engagement


  • Outstanding contribution to research knowledge published an article in Health Expectation (2020) – a high impact journal, entitled Exploring the potential use of patient and public involvement to strengthen Indonesian mental health care for people with psychosis: A qualitative exploration of the views of service users and carers, award from Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional Indonesia (National Research and Innovation Agency)
  • The 3rd outstanding lecturer for achievements in the field of Science (2020), Technology and Health Category, award from Universitas Indonesia
  • Outstanding Lecturer of Faculty of Nursing UI (2023), award from University of Indonesia

Selected Grants

  • Exploring the potential of civic engagement to strengthen mental health systems (IGNITE) 2018. As researcher in the study based in Indonesia, funded by MRC UK, collaboration with UK researchers (University of Liverpool, University of Manchester) (Team: Brooks H, Lovell K, James K, Irmansyah, Budi AK, and Susanti H). Total grant GBP 46.117.82
  • The exploration of the roles of volunteering cadres in mental health services in Indonesia: current situation and future direction. As principal investigator in the study based in Indonesia collaboration with UK researcher/University of Manchester, funded by Universitas Indonesia, 2020 (Team: Susanti H, Brooks H, Keliat BAK, Wardani IY, Hargiana G). Total grant IDR 200.000.000
  • Reducing Relapse for People with Schizophrenia in Jakarta, Indonesia: Developing a culturally-relevant, evidence-based Family Intervention. As co-principal investigator from Indonesia in the collaboration research with UK researchers (University of Manchester, University of Liverpool) based in Indonesia, funded by MRC UK, collaboration, 2021-2023, (Team: Renwick LJ, Budi AK, Brooks H, Bee P, Lovell K, Susanti H and Bradshaw, T). Total grant GBP 148.030,30
  • Strengthening the Oncology Nursing Workforce in Indonesia, collaboration among HIMPONI (Indonesian Oncology Nurses Association) and Dharmais Cancer Hospital 2021-2025, funded by Roche Global, as project coordinator from FON UI, 2021-2025.  Total grant Franc Swiss 472.000
  • INSPIRE program (Improving and Strengthening Publication Results in the Indonesian Research Environment), 2021, funded by the British Academy, as project manager from Indonesia. Total GBP 20.0000
  • Global Health Research Group on Sustainable Treatment for Anxiety and Depression in Indonesia, 2022, funded by NIHR, as co-principal investigator from Indonesia.
  • Proposal and Partnership Development Award – Call 6, 2023, funded by NIHR, as co-principal investigator from Indonesia. Total GBP 2, 948, 277,00
  • Project of Supporting Increased Bilateral Cooperation between Indonesian and Australian nursing professions, 2023-2024, as researcher in collaboration with Monash University, Australia, funded by IA-CEPA ECP Katalis (Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement Economic Cooperation Program (IA-CEPA ECP- Indonesia–Australia Growing Together). Total grant IDR 4.500.000.000
  • Enhancing Mental Health Skills for Community Nurses in Indonesia, 2024, as co-principal investigator in collaborative research between FON UI and University of Technology of Sydney. Total Grant AUS 25,000
  • Study on adaptation strategies to overcome the impact of climate change on physical and mental health in coastal areas in Indonesia, 2024, as Principal Investigator, Q1 UI Grant, Total Grant IDR 150,000,000
  • Study of Analysis of Mental Health Problem among Health Care Providers: An interaction of health worker, organization, and workplace, 2024, as researcher, Grant from Ministry of Higher Education of Indonesia, Total Grant IDR 500,000,000
  • Global Health Research Cohort Academic Development Award R3 (CADA), 2024, as Co-Applicant, Grant form NIHR UK, total grant GBP 27,830
  • Study on Climate and Health – Climate and Health Risk AssessmentPAIR Sulawesi (Partnership for Indonesia-Australia Research), 2024-2026 as one of Indonesian co-leads, Australian and Indonesian Government supports, AUS $ 200,000

Selected Publications
(Google Scholar H Index 12; Scopus Index: 7)

  • Brooks, H., Irmansyah, I., Susanti, H., Utomo, B., Prawira, B., Iskandar, L. and Bell, V. Evaluating the acceptability of a co-produced and co-delivered mental health public engagement festival: Mental Health Matters, Jakarta, Indonesia. Research involvement and engagement, 5(1), 25. 2019
  • Susanti, H., Lovell, K., & Mairs. Emotional reactions and coping strategies of carers of people with serious mental illnesses: A focus group study. Enfermeria clinic 2019
  • Hasanah, U., Susanti, H., & Panjaitan, R. U. Family experience in facilitating adolescents during self-identity development in ex-localization in Indonesia. BMC nursing, 18(1), 35.        2019
  • Sari, N. Y., Keliat, B. A., & Susanti, H. Cognitive behaviour therapy for anxiety in adolescent with early prodromal of psychosis at boarding school. BMC nursing, 18(1), 1-5.       2019
  • Susanti, H., Hamid, A. Y. S., Mulyono, S., Putri, A. F., & Chandra, Y. A. Expectations of survivors towards disaster nurses in Indonesia: A qualitative study. International Journal of Nursing Sciences. 6 (4) 392-398. 2019
  • Susanti H, James K, Utomo B, Keliat BA, Irmansyah, Lovell K, Rose D, Colucci E, Brooks H. Exploring the potential use of patient and public involvement to strengthen Indonesian mental health care for people with psychosis: A qualitative exploration of the views of service users and carers. Health Expectations23, 377-386, 2019 DOI: 10.1111/hex.13007
  • James K, Brooks H, Susanti H, Waddingham J, Irmansyah, Keliat BA, Utomo B, Rose D, Colucci E, and Lovell K. Implementing civic engagement within mental health services in South East Asia: a systematic review and realist synthesis of current evidence. International Journal of Mental Health Systems14, 17, 2020
  • Irmansyah, Susanti H, James K, Lovell K, Idaiani S, Imah S, Giur Hargiana G, Keliat BA, Utomo B, Calucci E, Brooks H. Civic engagement and mental health system strengthening in Indonesia: a qualitative examination of the views of health professionals and national key stakeholders. BMC Psychiatry20, 172, 2020
  • Wijoyo, EB, Susanti, H, Panjaitan RU. Nurses’ perception about posttraumatic growth (PTG) after natural disasters. BMC Proceedings,vol14, 2020, https:// doi.org10.1186/s12919-020-00199-9
  • Buanasarari, Keliat BA, Susanti,H. The application of acceptance commitment therapy (ACT) and family psychoeducation (FPE) to clients with schizophrenia and aggressive behavior, Nurse Media Journal of Nursing,Vol 10 (1), 11-21, 2020
  • Salawali, S.H., Susanti, H.,Daulima, N.H.C. , Posttraumatic growth in adolescent survivors of earthquake, tsunami, and liquefaction in Palu Indonesia: A phenomenological study, Pediatric Reports,12, 8699, 2020
  • Fitriani N, Hamid AYH, Susanti, H.  The Effect of Family Psychoeducation Therapy on Stress of Families with Intellectual Disability Children at Special School. Journal Medicinal and Chemical Science 4(3) 258-266, 2021
  • Pitari MM, Susanti H., Putri AFP, Panjaitan RU. Description of post-traumatic growth (PTG) in prospective health workers. Enfermería ClínicaVolume 31, Supplement 2,  S257-S260, 2021
  • Wulandari, Dewi, Herni Susanti, and Ice Yulia Wardani. “Implementasi Family Psychoeducation secara Online pada Keluarga dengan Isolasi Sosial di Masa Pandemi Covid-19.” STETHOSCOPE 2.1 (2021).).
  • Samiun, Ellya Fadllah, Herni Susanti, and Ice Yulia Wardani. “Provision of Psychoeducation on Decreasing Family Anxiety Triggered among Patients with Schizophrenia Relapse: A Case Report.” International Journal of Nursing and Health Services (IJNHS)2 (2021): 208-214.
  • Kurniati, Safra Ria, Novy Helena Catharina Daulima, and Herni Susanti. “Ambivalence of mothers’ emotions in dealing with aggressive behavior from mentally ill adult children.” Enfermeria Clinica31 (2021): S54-S57.
  • Wardani IY, Fitriani N, Susanti H, Nasution RA, Nugraha MA. The Experience of Stigma in Nurses on the Early Spread of the COVID-19. Open Access Maced J Med Sci. 2022;9(T5):121-126. doi:10.3889/oamjms.2021.7852
  • Susanti, et al. “Exploration the Needs of Nursing Care of Drugs Addiction Service Institutions in Indonesia.” Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, vol. 10, 2022, pp. 45–51,
  • Kurniawan, A. Y. S., Susanti, H., & Khoirunnisa, K. “Cognitive Therapy and Logotherapy Implementation: Case Series on Women Victims of Domestic Violence with Psychotic.”. no. 3, 2022, pp. 350–55.
  • Falani I, Iriyadi D, Wardani IY, Susanti H, & Nasution RA. “ A Rasch Analysis Of Perceived Stigma Of Covid-19 Among Nurses In Indonesia. Questionnaire”. Psychological Thought, 2022, 15(1), pp. 12–28
  • Eka, AR, Novy Daulima, NHC, & Susanti, H,“The Role of Informal Leaders in Restraint and Confining People with Mental Health Issues in Manggarai, Indonesia” European Journal of Mental Health, 2022, 17(1), pp. 25–36
  • Saleh, A.Keliat, B.A.Susanti, H., …Sapoan, A.Arifuddin, F.” Children’s psychosocial state after the 2018 Lombok earthquake” Belitung Nursing Journal, 2022, 8(2), pp. 147–152
  • Renwick, L., Susanti, H., Brooks, H., Keliat, B. A., Bradshaw, T., Bee, P., & Lovell, K. (2023). Culturally adapted family intervention for people with schizophrenia in Indonesia (FUSION): a development and feasibility study protocol. Pilot and Feasibility Studies9(1), Article 53.
  • Susanti,H., Hamid,AYS., Putri,AF., Setiawan,A., Frida,A., Fadilah, R., Disaster Training for Nurses in Indonesia: Balancing Physical, Psychological, and Managerial Competencies, Journal of Continuing Education Nursing, 2023, 54 (8), 378-384.
  • Windarwati, H. D., Susanti, H., Brooks, H., Wardani, I. Y., Hasniah, Raya, M., Ati, N. A. L., & Sari, H. (2023). Lay community mental health workers (cadres) in Indonesian health services: A qualitative exploration of the views of people with mental health problems and their families. PloS one18(11 November), Article e0289943.
  • Susanti, H., Brooks, H., Yulia, I. et al.An exploration of the Indonesian lay mental health workers’ (cadres) experiences in performing their roles in community mental health services: a qualitative study. Int J Ment Health Syst 18, 3 (2024).
  • Susanti, H., Brooks, H., Keliat, Ba. et al.Stakeholder perspectives of family interventions for schizophrenia in Indonesia: a qualitative study. BMC Psychiatry 24, 59 (2024).
  • Susanti, H, Putri, A, Susanti, SS, et al. Improving Post Traumatic Growth of Disaster Survivors: International Emergency Nursing, (2024), 75, 1-6, DOI: 1016/j.ienj.2024.101484

