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Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo is a government hospital located in Central Jakarta, Indonesia. Apart from being a government hospital, RSCM also functions as an educational hospital, one of which is the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia. The name of this hospital is taken from the name Dr. Tjipto Mangoenkoesoemo, a figure in the Indonesian struggle during the colonial period.

In RSCM thousands of doctors and medical personnel together serve thousands of patients from all over Indonesia who visit this hospital every day. RSCM is a national referral center for government hospitals and is a place of education for general practitioners, specialist I and subspecialists, nurses and other health workers.

The Faculty of Nursing UI collaborates with Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, The National Referral Hospital in providing clinical practice (student internships)

MoU Number : No. 446/PKS/FIK/UI/2017
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