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Mentoring and Counseling

Mentoring and Counseling

1. Introduction

Formal education aims to develop knowledge and expertise including skills and help develop the personality of students. Nursing is a profession that is closely related to human life as a whole so that becoming an Ners is not enough to master knowledge and skills but requires mature personal development both in solving problems and fostering relationships between people.

Based on experience, many students are actually able to perform better, but due to various factors, achievement is not optimal and can even fail.

Factors that can affect the success and failure of learners include:

  1. Relating to individual learners
    a) Physical and mental health
    b) Intellectual ability
    c) Personality
  2. Learning process
    a) Education program/curriculum
    b) Learning implementation process
    c) Learning environment
    d) Lecturer
    e) Campus environment
  3. Support
    a) Suitability of direction and interest
    b) Socio-economic-cultural

To help students solve problems that hinder student achievement, it is necessary to provide a special forum, namely the TIM BIMBINGAN DAN KONSELING which is incorporated in Badan Konseling Mahasiswa (BKM) FON UI. Student Counseling Board of FoN UI.

2. Definition of Mentoring and Counselling

Mentoring and counselling are two notions that relate to the meaning of providing assistance. Mentoring can be given to students or groups of students who experience difficulties in education, choosing a major, as well as personal difficulties and adjustment to society and the environment.

Mentoring is assistance that can be provided by academic advisors to students so that they can make decisions related to their academic activities and set career goals.

The definition of counselling is an open problem-solving assistance situation with personally meetings provided by professionals.

It can be concluded that mentoring and counselling are terms that are different in meaning but closely related, namely assistance to students or a group of students in the process of development towards maturity and problem solving assistance. Mentoring is more preventive, while counselling is more curative.

3. The Purpose of Mentoring and Counseling

Mentoring and counseling aims to make students able to :

  1. Adjusting to campus life
  2. Resolve personal problems in a healthy and constructive manner
  3. Grow and develop optimally.
4. Scope

The ideal scope of mentoring and counseling activities has been proposed by DIKTI as follows:

  1. Self development mentoring
  2. Academic mentoring
  3. Academic counseling
  4. Career mentoring
  5. Individual counseling
5. Organization

The implementation of mentoring and counseling can be seen in the following flow:

Mentoring and counseling activities are carried out by a team whose members consist of FoN UI academic staff. The FoN UI mentoring and counseling team for new students consists of Faculty Counselors and Academic Advisors for both regular and extension programs and postgraduate programs. The coordinator of the FoN UI Mentoring and Counseling team is the Academic and Student Affairs Manager.

Students can request guidance from the Academic Advisor, or to the BKM team according to the schedule provided, or to other teaching staff who are not members of the BKM FIK UI, to the coordinator of the course being followed, or to the Chair / Secretary of the Study Program. The flow of guidance is as follows:

If a case of violation is found by the course coordinator or teaching team in a course committed by a student, a case report can be made.

The mechanism for reporting cases or violations committed by students is

  • Course coordinator (KMA) identifies problems/violations committed by students
  • Identification results are submitted by the KMA to the Head of the Study program either verbally / in writing
  • The results of the problem identification are reported in writing to the Vice Dean of Education, by copying the Academic and Student Affairs Manager, and the PA of the student concerned.
6. Counselor Roles and Functions
  1. Prevention, which is preventing problems from arising in students.
  2. Channeling, namely providing opportunities for students who have high achievements to develop themselves according to their talents, interests and abilities.
  3. Adjustment, which helps create an adjustment between students and their environment.
  4. Repair, which is trying to solve the problems faced by students.
  5. Development, namely providing services that assist students in developing their entire personality in a directed and stable manner.
7. Role and Function of Academic Advisor
  1. Provide advice and guidance to students who experience difficulties in the teaching and learning process, including by:
    a. Providing regular and scheduled consultation time (at least 1 x in one week).
    b. Providing direction to students in developing practical and directed learning programs and systems.
    c. Helping develop attitudes and learning habits, both individually and in groups.
    d. Helping improve the academic performance of the students under his/her guidance optimally.
    e. Motivating students to take advantage of the counseling forum with academic advisors to achieve the success of their studies.
  2. Helping to solve the problems of the students under guidance, both general and personal, among others:
    a. Helping overcome students' difficulties in determining the desired elective courses in accordance with their talents, interests and abilities.
    b. Helping resolve learning difficulties and educational planning issues.
    c. Helping prevent problems from arising in students that can interfere with the smooth process of their studies.
    d. Helping students overcome personal problems that are non-academic in nature such as social problems, conflicts with friends, family, and so on.
  3. Providing guidance in filling out the Study Plan form and provide information about the student's achievement index and its effect on the application of the Semester Credit System which greatly affects the smooth running of his studies.
  4. Provide a report on the implementation of the mentoring to the academic advisor coordinator (Mahalum Manager) at least at the end of each semester.
8. Student Feedback Mechanism with Academic Staff

If there are students who face problems related to a particular subject, the steps that can be taken are:

  1. Students discuss with Academic Advisor.
  2. The Academic Advisor proposes that students report to the course coordinator.
  3. If the student does not report to the course coordinator, the Academic Advisor will report to the course coordinator.

If the student is in direct contact with the course coordinator, then:

  1. The course coordinator reports to the Head of the Study Program.
  2. The Head of Study Program will make the decision.
  3. If the decision is not acceptable to the student, the Head of the Study Program will report the matter to the Deputy Dean for Education for further discussion.