Building & Room : Gedung Pasca Sarjana Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan 2nd Floor, Kampus UI Depok
Address (office) : Jl. Prof. Dr. Bahder Djohan, Kampus UI Depok
Phone (office) : +62 21 78849120
Email : yatikris@ui.ac.id
Universitas Indonesia, Doktor Keperawatan, 2008-2011, Kanker Ginekologi
Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada, Master Nursing, 2000-2002, Women Health Nursing
Universitas Indonesia, Sarjana Keperawatan, 1990-1095
Professional membership
Prof. Dr. Yati Afiyanti, SKp., MN is a Professor, senior researcher and lecturer Faculty of Nursing, University of Indonesia. She received the Bachelor of Nursing at Indonesia University, Indonesia in 1995, Master of Nursing at the Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada in 2002 and Doctor in Nursing at Indonesia University in 2011. She is expertise in women health especially in maternity and gynecological cancer issues. She is also expert in qualitative research methods. During five years period, her research project focuses on sexual health promotion and prevention particularly in the context of gynecology cancer and developing of supportive care program for Indonesian gynecological cancer. She had many paper presented in referee journals and conferences. She received the grant funding from Directorate of Higher Education, Minister of National Education, Republic of Indonesia to develop the empowering Indonesian oncology nurses to contribute provide comprehensive nursing care for cancer survivors especially on psychosexual issues. Afiyanti can be reached at yatikris@ui.ac.id
Selected Grants
- PUTI Q3 2020
- PDUPT 2018-2020
- PUTI Doktor
- PUTI Sainteks
- PITTA 2018
- PITTA 2019
Selected Publications
- Afiyanti, Y. Besral, Haryani. (2020). The quality of life of Indonesian women with gynecological cancer. Enfemeria Clinical, 30 (S7), 65-69
- Afiyanti. Y., Setyowati.,Young, A. & Milanti,.A. (2020).’Finally, I get to a climax’: the experiences of sexual relationships after a psychosexual intervention for Indonesian cervical cancer survivors and the husbands. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology,38(3). 293-309
- Afiyanti, Y. Gayatri.D. Besral. & Haryani. Unmet supportive care needs if Indonesiam gynecological cancer survivors. Enfemeria Clinica. 29(S2):869-873.
- Afiyanti, Y. Milanti, A. & Putri, R.H. (2017). Supportive care needs in predicting the quality of life among gynaecological patients. Canadian Oncology of Nursing Journal, 28(1).
- Nasution, A.L. Afiyanti, Y. & Kurniawati, W. Effectiveness of Spiritual Intervention toward Coping and Spiritual Wellbeing on Patient with Ginecological Cancer. Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing. Accepted on Jan 14, 2020.
- Afiyanti, Y. Rachmawati I.N. & Milanti A. (2016). Evaluating sexual nursing care intervention for reducing sexual dysfunction in Indonesian cervical cancer survivors. Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing, 3(3). 266-271
- Rahmah, H. Afiyanti,Y. et.al. (2020). “I do not feel confident and uncomfortable discussing patients’ sexuality concerns”: a thematic analysis of Indonesian nurses’ experiences in discussing Sexuality with patients. Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia, 23(1). 23-30
- Haryani, H. Afiyanti. Y, Besral. B. et.al. (2020). Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the cancer survivors’ unmet needs measure among gynecological cancer patients in Indonesia. Arch Oncol, 26(2). Published Online December 6, 2019.
- Wijayanti, T. Afiyanti, Y. Rahmah, H. & Milanti.A. (2018). Fear of recurrence and social support among Indonesian gynaecological cancer survivors. Arch. Oncol.24(2). 12-19.
- Harahap, D. & Afiyanti, Y. (2019). Women’s experiences of the prenatal group class in Indonesia. Enfemeria Clinica, 29(S2), 151-158.