Building & Room : 7th Floor, Building E, Health and Sciences Building (RIK), Community Health Nursing Department.
Address (office) : Jl. Prof. Dr. Bahder Djohan, Kampus UI Depok, 16424
Email : utamirachmawati@ui.ac.id
Universitas Indonesia, Specialist in Nursing, 2017, Community Health Nursing
Universitas Indonesia, Master in Nursing, 2015, Community Health Nursing
Universitas Indonesia, Bachelor in Nursing, 2009
Professional membership
Association of Indonesian Community Health Nurses; Indonesian National Nurses Association
Utami Rachmawati is a Community Health Nursing Specialist with a specialization in Gerontological Nursing and has been working at the Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Indonesia (FoN UI) since 2019. She completed education from undergraduate to Nursing Specialist level at the Universitas Indonesia and have served as a lecturer and field supervisor in Department of Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia after graduated. Her research interests are community health nursing, community health nursing interventions, gerontological nursing, family nursing, community empowerment, nursing education and health promotion. She actively contributed in community engagements, researches and also nursing education. At present, she teaches community nursing courses such as Gerontological Nursing, Family and Community Nursing Concepts and Practices, Health Promotion Concept and Practice, Health Communication, also Complementary Nursing Therapy at undergraduate program. She also a supervisor of Nursing Specialist students who undergo their clinical/field placement in the community and primary health services area.
Selected Grants
- “Program PPM UI, 2022”, Increasing Public Health Efforts related to NCDs in Strengthening the Transition Program to a COVID-19 Endemic: NCD Risk Screening, Health Education, and Group Processes, Team Leader
- “Cascading MOOCs, 2021”, Tim Pengembang MOOCs MK Pelayanan Kesehatan Utama, Team Member
- “Bantuan Dana MOOCs UI & ICE, 2021”, Tim Pengembang MOOCs MK Praktikum Keperawatan Gerontik, Team Member
- “Hibah Riset Q1, 2021”, Clinical Nursing Practice in the Community during COVID-19 Pandemic: Cross-Country Study, Team Member
- “Program PPM UI, 2020”, Kawasan Pantai BERSERI berkat Remaja Sadar Sampah, Team Member
- “Hibah Pengabdian Masyarakat IbM UI, 2020”, Optimalisasi Program PIS-PK dalam Peningkatan Manajemen Hipertensi di Masyarakat, Team Leader
- “Hibah Pengabdian Masyarakat Departemen – FIK UI, 2019”, Peningkatan Status Gizi dan Aktivitas Fisik pada Remaja di Depok, Team Leader
- “Hibah Riset Muda FIK UI, 2018”, The Effectiveness of the Miradasia Model on Interprofessional Collaboration in Elderly Health Care Institutions, Research Team Member
Selected Publications
- Rachmawati, U., Jaudar, M., Kusumawardani, LH., Rasdiyanah, R., Rohana, IGAPD. (2022). Preparing Nursing Students for Inter-Professional Collaborative Practice through Simulation-Based Inter-Professional Education: A Systematic Review. JENDELA NURSING JOURNAL. 6(1):43-56
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31983/jnj.v6i1.8452
- Nursasi, AY., Rohana, IGAPD ., Rachmawati, U., Mulyana, R. (2022). Improved completing-treatment support among tuberculosis support group members through the CERMAT (Smart Against TB Transmission) program. Jurnal of Community Empowerment for Health, 5(1).
- Jauhar, M., Rasdiyanah, R., Kusumawardani, LH., Rachmawati, U., Rohana, IGAPD. (2021). Community based intervention: Local village preparedness in prevention and control of COVID-19. Journal of Community Empowerment for Health, 4(3). https://doi.org/10.22146/jcoemph.63934
- Jauhar, M., Kusumawardani, LH, Rasdiyanah, R., Rohana, IGAPD., Rachmawati, U. (2020). E-Ways (Early Warning System): A Literature Study of Smartphone Application-Based Stroke Early Detection. Indian Journal of Public Health 11 (02), 1389. DOI Number: 10.37506/v11/i2/2020/ijphrd/195018
- Kusumawardani, LH., Rasdiyanah, R., Jauhar, M., Rohana, IGAPD., Rachmawati, U. (2020). Community-Based Stunting Intervention Strategies: Literature Review. Dunia Keperawatan: Jurnal Keperawatan dan Kesehatan, 8(2): 259. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20527/dk.v8i2.8555
- Sahar, J., Kiik, SM., Eiarsih, W., Rachmawati, U. (2020). Coronavirus disease-19: Public health nurses’ knowledge, attitude, practices, and perceived barriers in Indonesia. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 8 (T1), 422-428. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3889/oamjms.2020.5446
- Utami, R., Sahar, J., Wati, DNK. (2019). The association of diabetes literacy with self-management among older people with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a cross-sectional study. BMC Nursing, 18(1): 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12912-019-0354-y
- Sahar, J., Rekawati, E., Wati DNK., Rachmawati, U. (2019). Improved functional status and quality of life among the public institutionalized elderly in Jakarta. Enfermería Clínica 29, 336-341. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enfcli.2019.06.005
- Jauhar, M., Rohana, IGAPD., Rachmawati, U., Kusumawardani, LH., Rasdiyanah, R. (2019). Empowering community health volunteer on community-based tuberculosis case management programs in lower-income countries: A systematic review. Journal of Community Empowerment for Health, 2(2): 172-180. https://doi.org/10.22146/jcoemph.47148