Building & Room : Rumpun Ilmu Kesehatan Gedung E Lantai 7
Address (office) : Kampus UI Depok
Email : mytitien@ui.ac.id
Sejong University, Master Degree, 2005, Business Administration
Universitas Indonesia, Bachelor Degree, 1999, Nursing
Professional membership
Indonesian National Nurses Association
In 1999, I graduated from the Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Indonesia (FoN UI) and was immediately appointed as a staff of the Department of Maternity Nursing, FoN UI. I have experience working in Obstetric and Gynaecology Department in several central hospitals in Jakarta for around 2 years after graduating from Bachelor of Nursing. Therefore, I have the knowledge and skills in maternity nursing. I have been heavily involved in teaching, research, and community empowerment in the field of maternity nursing.
In 2003-2005, I continued my studies in business administration at Sejong University, Seoul, South Korea. Armed with the management knowledge that I studied in South Korea, I began to be involved in teaching and research in the field of nursing management at FIK UI. I have also joined several research teams in the field of nursing management and produced several international publications.
I am currently pursuing my studies in Doctor of Nursing Study Program, FoN UI. The focus of my dissertation is in the field of Nursing Management and Nursing Informatics. Thus, after graduating I can contribute more to the development of nursing knowledge, especially in the field of Nursing Management, Nursing Informatics and Maternity Nursing.
Selected Grants
- Hak Atas Kekayaan Intelektual (HAKI) 2019, Pendidikan Kesehatan Reproduksi pada Remaja Awal Perempuan di SMP di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kecamatan Cimanggis, Principal Creator.
- PUTI Prosiding 2020, Kebutuhan Informasi Pasien Ginekologi dan Kemampuan Perawat dalam Memberikan Edukasi Kesehatan Ginekologi, Principal Investigator.
Selected Publications
- Ungsianik, T., Yuliati, T. (2017). Pola asuh orang tua dan perilaku seksual berisiko pada remaja. Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia, 20(3); 185-194.
- Rahmah, H., Afiyanti, Y., Rachmawati, I.N., Ungsianik, T., Budiati, T., Kurniawati, W. (2020). “I Do Not Feel Confident and Uncomfortable Discussing Patients’ Sexuality Concerns”: A Thematic Analysis of Indonesian Nurses’ Experiences in Discussing Sexuality with Patients. Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia, 23(1); 23-30.
- Rizkia, M., Ungsianik, T. (2019). Improving Female Adolescents’ Knowledge, Emotional Response, and Attitude toward Menarche following Implementation of Menarcheal Preparation Reproductive Health Education. Asian/pacific Island Nursing Journal 4 (2), 84-91.
- Lolowang, N.L., Afiyanti, Y., Ungsianik, T. (2019). Pelvic floor muscle exercise improving sexual self-efficacy. Journal of Maternity Care and Reproductive Health 2 (1).
- Ayu, I.P., Rachmawati, I.N., Ungsianik, T. (2019). Maternal age as a main factor influencing prenatal distress in Indonesian Primigravida. Enfermeria clinica 29, 310-314
- Marcelina, L.A., Rachmawati, I.N., Ungsianik, T. (2019). Dissatisfaction with the husband support increases childbirth fear among Indonesian primigravida. Enfermeria clinica 29, 379-383.
- Nopriyanto, D., Hariyati, R.T.S., Ungsianik, T. (2019). Improving documentation of patient progress note through role empowerment of head nurse by Orlando theory approach. Enfermeria clinica 29, 182-188.
- Putri, R.H., Afiyanti, Y., Ungsianik, T., Milanti, A. (2018). Supportive care needs and quality of life of patients with gynecological cancer undergoing therapy. Enfermeria clinica 28, 222-226.
- Hariyati, R.T.S., Ungsianik, T. (2018). Improving the interpersonal competences of head nurses through Peplau’s theoretical active learning approach. Enfermeria clinica 28, 149-153.
- Nopriyanto, D., Hariyati, R.T.S., Ungsianik, T. (2019). Peningkatan pendokumentasian catatan perkembangan pasien terintegrasi melalui penguatan peran kepala ruang dengan pendekatan teori Orlando. Holistik Jurnal Kesehatan 13 (1), 19-28.