▸ Relationships with regional NGOs and government for SDG policy
▸ Cross sectoral dialogue about SDGs
▸ International collaboration data gathering for SDG management strategy
FUSION: Collaborative research between FoN UI and University of Manchester.
Since 2019, researchers from Faculty of Nursing UI and University of Manchester School Health Sciences conduct an international collaborative research. The title of the research is Reducing Relapse for People with Schizophrenia in Jakarta and Bogor, Indonesia: Developing a culturally-relevant, evidence-based Family Intervention (FUSION).
Overcome Mental Health Problems, Fikui and the University of Manchester With the Families of People with Schizophrenia
Global Health Research Group STAND: Collaborative research group between FoN UI, University of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University, and the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)
Since 2022, the Global Health Research Group on Sustainable Care for Anxiety and Depression (STAND) conducts collaborative research with various evidence-based mental health care development programs for the next 4 years. To start, the Global Health Research Group STAND conducts a workshop on qualitative research methods and Patient & Public Involvement (PPI) training. The Qualitative Research Methods class was attended by researchers who are also professional mental health workers and nursing lecturers from various institutions on the island of Java, while the PPI class was attended by non-governmental organization activists, consumers of mental health services, and advocacy activists in the field of mental health, especially depression and anxiety.
FoN UI and University of Manchester conduct a workshop for Qualitative Research Methods and Public & Patient Involvement Training
Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia collaborates with Yayasan Baitul Maal Perusahaan Listrik Negara (YBM PLN) in a program to improve health and wellbeing of an underprivileged community. The theme carried was “Improving Health Quality and Productivity of Underprivileged Community in Curug Village during the Covid-19 Pandemic”. This activity is a part of FoN UI’s commitment to contribute to the health and welfare of the surrounding environment. This program is conducted by lecturers and students from professional and specialist study programs. The strategy used in this program is community nursing practice including group process, health education, capacity building, and family/community empowerment.
Supporting Evidence: Related News
▸ Publication of SDG reports – per SDG (SDG 1 to 17)
Faculty of Nursing is committed to provide education which integrates SDGs to all subject whenever possible. Almost all subjects in Faculty of Nursing relates to SDGs #3 Good Health and Well Being since the nature of this faculty is closely related to health. However, some subjects also relate to other SDGs. The list of subjects can be found in the link provided
Supporting Evidence: List of Courses Related to SDGs
▸ Education for SDGs specific courses on sustainability
Faculty of Nursing is also committed to provide education. In 2022, FoN UI have dedicated outreach educational activities for alumni, local residents, and refugees
Education Outreach for Alumni
The Alumni Association of Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia (ILUNI UI FIK) is holding a webinar with the theme “Tips for Developing the Personal Potential of Young Nurses” on 27 March 2022 online via Zoom.
This webinar presents a discussion forum to provide a bridge for developing oneself to achieve more optimal personal potential. The speaker and topic discussed in the webinar are:
- Yudi Ariesta Chandra, a young activist, discussing the theme of Tips for Becoming a Young Activist.
- Nurhidayat, a clinical nurse at RSUI, raised the theme How to Develop Yourself as a Practitioner in a Hospital.
- Tissa Aulia Putri, an entrepreneur, discussed the theme of How to Start a Career as an Entrepreneur.
ILUNI FIK UI Invites Young Nurses to Develop Their Potential
Education Outreach for Local Residents
In 23 August 2022, HMP in Action conducts “1001 Shoes Movement and Education on Clean and Healthy Living Behavior” for elementary school children in Mataru Barat Village, Alor Regency, NTT.
Evidence: https://www.instagram.com/p/CjEjxjWv9RU/
Education Outreach for Refugees
On December 3 2022, HMP FIK UI in collaboration with the Board of Commissioners of the Indonesian National Nurses Association (DPK PPNI) FIK UI carried out the “FIK UI Cares for Disasters” activity for residents affected by the Cianjur earthquake disaster.
HMP Cares for Disasters is a work program from the community service department which previously collected aid donations for Cianjur earthquake victims.The activities carried out in FIK UI Cares for Disasters are the distribution of aid in the form of cash, basic necessities, clothes, and several play equipment for children in refugee camps. Counseling on children and parenting by Mrs. Dr. Fajar Tri W., Sp.Kep.an, free health checks for refugees, and also play therapy for children affected by the Cianjur earthquake.
Evidence: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnv3UwPvnFo/
Gedung A Lantai 2, Rumpun Ilmu Kesehatan (RIK), Kampus UI Depok, Jawa Barat 16424 – Indonesia
Jl. Prof. Dr. Bahder Djohan, Kampus UI Depok, Jawa Barat 16424 – Indonesia