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SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

University Governance Measures

  ▸ Elected representation

FoN UI has the responsibility to produce professional and outstanding nurses and is committed to facilitating students to develop themselves by participating in various trainings, seminars, workshops, competitions, and other student activities, both in the academic and in the field of arts and sports. Some of these activities are facilitated by the FoN UI student affairs division by forming several student organizations. Some of the Formal Student Organizations at FIK UI are:

  1. Student Representative Council (DPM)
  2. Student Executive Board (BEM)
  3. Nursing Forum for the Study and Practice of Islam (FPPI)
  4. Nursing First Aid (NUFA)
  5. NERS Publishing Semi-Autonomous Organization (BSOP Ners)
  6. Christian – Catholic Nursing Association (PERTIWAT)
  7. Nursing Student Exchange (BMK)
  8. Postgraduate Nursing Student Association (HMP)

Detail Information on FoN UI’s Students’ Union (Non-Academic Activities):

   ▸ Identify and engage with local stakeholders

FoN UI has a participatory body called Nursing Center (NC) which is part of FoN UI efforts to provide health services to the community through integration with the education. FoN UI has initiated the establishment of NC since 2017 in collaboration with the Cimanggis Community Health Center (Puskesmas) in Depok. The target audience of this NC service includes patients and community who visit the puskesmas and require further and comprehensive care according to the health problems found.

Evidence Link: Cimanggis Community Health Center Becomes UI Nursing Center Pilot Project

Universitas Indonesia is committed to creating a zone of integrity in order to create a corruption-free, clean and serving bureaucratic area. The Faculty of Nursing supports this commitment through the Dean’s Integrity Pact and the Dean’s circular number SE-12/UN2.F12.D/HKP.04/2021 regarding the control of gratuities in FoN UI area. This commitment is also shared in the faculty’s Zone of Integrity webpage through Dean’s service notice.

FoN UI’s principles on corruption and bribery complaints that are integrated with the University in relation to publicizing the university’s principles and commitments on organized crime, corruption & bribery. Complaints related to gratification and whistle blowing system can be made by filling FoN UI’s Complaint Forms.

FoN UI Dean’s Service Notice:

FoN UI Complaint Forms:

FoN UI has an academic freedom policy to support academic freedom (the freedom to choose a field of research and to speak and teach openly about the field of research). Academic freedom is at the heart of academia. FoN UI ensures that academic freedom covers both teaching and research and applies equally to junior and senior academics (e.g. tenure). FoN UI’s academic freedom follows the principles of the University’s 9 UI values.

Evidence on Research Freedom 

   ▸ Publish financial data

Working with Government

All academic staff from FoN UI is a member of Indonesia National Nurses Association (PPNI). They often provide advice of their expertise to the Indonesian government through meetings held by the government. In 2022, FoN UI lecturers gave expert advice on various activities for Ministry of Health and Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture.

Supporting Evidence: Invitation and Letter of Assignment

Collaboration in Innovative Research between Indonesia Research Alliance and the University of Melbourne on Partnership In Research Indonesia and Melbourne (PRIME) Year 2021-2024. This program will provide significant advantages on achieving baseline data on adolescent health in primary care: examining adolescent primary care utilization, the challenges and expectation of health. By conducting routine examination on the data in general primary care and in universities, this research will observe new knowledge about the involvement of adolescents and young adults in primary care and the issues they struggle with. These findings will be beneficial for the ministry, primary care leaders, and universities to change the health care provision to better meet the needs of this group. This will also provide a valuable baseline to measure progress in future times.

PRIME Proposal:–ctU6qRCL8MdBHzPHaLLkU/view?usp=sharing

  ▸ Neutral platform to discuss issues

SDG 16 in Numbers

Number of Graduates


Number of Total Graduates from Law and Enforcement Related Courses

