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SDG 5: Gender Equality

Student Access Measures

  ▸ Tracking access measures

Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia follows the same principles as Universitas Indonesia, which is listed in the article of association and regulated in the Rector’s Decree No. 2719 of 2018 concerning the Indicators of Principles of Cultural Behavior at Universitas Indonesia. FoN UI supports gender equality as well as equal opportunity in the admissions process. There is no certain gender, religion, ethnicity, or economic status excluded from the admission process. The consideration is based on objective measurements, such as examination scores. There are more female students than male students in the faculty (84.44% in 2023). This occurred due to community perception regarding the nursing profession, not discrimination in the admissions process. The community believes that nursing is a job for women because the profession is in line with feminine characteristics, such as patience, being detail-oriented, and having an affinity for being gentle when caring for patients. Therefore, nursing programs attract more women than men.

Rector’s Decree No. 2719 Year 2018 concerning the Indicators of Principles of Cultural Behavior at Universitas Indonesia

  ▸ Women’s access schemes

  ▸ Women’s application in underrepresented subjects

Women’s Progress Measures

  ▸ Policy of non-discrimination against women

  ▸ Non-discrimination policies for transgender

To support the participation of women, Faculty of Nursing follows the same maternity policy as Universitas Indonesia. As listed in Rector’s Regulation Number 33 of 2018 articles 73, 74, and 76, the faculty is committed to provide maternity leave for female employees who give birth up to 3 months. As a commitment to support women, the faculty also provides childcare facilities and maternity care room to facilitate students, employees, or visitors with babies. 

Rector’s Regulation No. 33 Year 2018 concerning The Management of Universitas Indonesia Human Resources

Facilities for Maternity Care

Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia, as a part of the health sciences cluster, is very concerned about the Exclusive Breastfeeding program launched by the Ministry of Health. The form of support is the existence of lactation room facilities which is intended for students and staff who wants to pump breast milk or breastfeed their baby (Maternity Care). This lactation room is equipped with a refrigerator for storing breast milk, breastfeeding education posters, sterilized breast milk bottles, air conditioners and comfortable chairs for mothers who want to pump breast milk or breastfeed their babies. The lactation room in the FoN UI environment is located in the Education and Laboratory Building on the 2nd floor. Lactation room is also available in RIK/Health Science Cluster Building Building B, 1st floor. Students and staff of FoN and Health Science Cluster can use the lactation room in coordination with the staff of its buliding.

Lactation Room in FoN UI

Nursing UI Daycare

Nursing UI Baby Daycare (Pusat Tumbuh Kembang Terintegrasi/Integrated Childhood Development Centre) is a professionally managed baby daycare under the auspices of the Nursing Training Center and the Pediatric Nursing Department Faculty of Nursing UI. It is located in FoN UI Postgraduate Building and is open for public, especially for students and staff of Universitas Indonesia.

Child care at Nursing UI Baby Daycare is carried out by educated and trained personnel who have an understanding of child development, as well as the concept of growth and development in every activity. Nursing UI Baby Daycare pays attention to cognitive development, psychosocial, and moral development of children.

The advantages of Nursing UI Baby Daycare are:

  1. The presence of trained caregivers
  2. Under the guidance and supervision of FoN UI Pediatric Nursing Department
  3. Stimulation and early detection of growth and development
  4. Regular checks of child growth and development
  5. Monthly reports of child growth and development 
  6. Free consultation with professional consultants 
  7. Baby health maintenance
  8. Smart security system and live CCTV access
  9. A safe, comfortable, and hygienic environment

Link to Nursing UI Day Care

  ▸ Women’s mentoring schemes

There is no difference in graduation rates between male or female students. Both have the same opportunity to graduate on time. The tracking results show that the graduation rate for women is higher than for men, this is influenced by the number of women in Faculty of Nursing is greater than the number of men. In 2023, there are 493 graduates and 402 of them are women (81.54%). There is no gap between male and female students.

  ▸ Policies protecting those reporting discrimination

To support women, Faculty of Nursing follows the same paternity policy as Universitas Indonesia. As listed in Rector’s Regulation Number 33 of 2018 articles 76, the faculty is committed to provide paternal leave for male employees whose wives give birth.

“Male UI employees whose wives give birth/caesarean section may be granted leave for important reasons”

Rector’s Regulation No. 33 Year 2018 concerning The Management of Universitas Indonesia Human Resources

SDG 5 in Numbers

Number of Women Starting a Degree


Number of First-Generation Women Starting a Degree


Proportion of First-Generation Female Students


Number of Senior Academic Staff


Number of Female Senior Academic Staff


Proportion of Senior Female Academics


Number of Graduates


Number of Female Graduates


Proportion of Women Receiving Degrees


See other SDGs Initiative

SDG 5: Gender Equality

Student Access Measures

  ▸ Tracking access measures

Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia follows the same principles as Universitas Indonesia, which is listed in the article of association and regulated in the Rector’s Decree No. 2719 of 2018 concerning the Indicators of Principles of Cultural Behavior at Universitas Indonesia. FoN UI supports gender equality as well as equal opportunity in the admissions process. There is no certain gender, religion, ethnicity, or economic status excluded from the admission process. The consideration is based on objective measurements, such as examination scores. There are more female students than male students in the faculty. The same is true of the staff. This occurred due to community perception regarding the nursing profession, not discrimination in the admissions process. The community believes that nursing is a job for women because the profession is in line with feminine characteristics, such as patience, being detail-oriented, and having an affinity for being gentle when caring for patients. Therefore, nursing programs attract more women than men.

Rector’s Decree No. 2719 Year 2018 concerning the Indicators of Principles of Cultural Behavior at Universitas Indonesia

  ▸ Women’s access schemes

  ▸ Women’s application in underrepresented subjects

Women’s Progress Measures

  ▸ Policy of non-discrimination against women

  ▸ Non-discrimination policies for transgender

To support the participation of women, Faculty of Nursing follows the same maternity and paternity policy as Universitas Indonesia. As listed in Rector’s Regulation No. 33 of 2018 articles 73, 74, and 76, the faculty is committed to provide maternity leave for female employees and paternal leave for male employees whose wives give birth. As a commitment to support women, the faculty also provides childcare facilities and maternity care room to facilitate students, employees, or visitors with babies. 

Rector’s Regulation No. 33 Year 2018 concerning The Management of Universitas Indonesia Human Resources

Facilities for Maternity Care

Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia, as a part of the health sciences cluster, is very concerned about the Exclusive Breastfeeding program launched by the Ministry of Health. The form of support is the existence of lactation room facilities which is intended for students and staff who wants to pump breast milk or breastfeed their baby (Maternity Care). This lactation room is equipped with a refrigerator for storing breast milk, breastfeeding education posters, sterilized breast milk bottles, air conditioners and comfortable chairs for mothers who want to pump breast milk or breastfeed their babies. The lactation room in the FoN UI environment is located in the Education and Laboratory Building on the 2nd floor. Lactation room is also available in RIK/Health Science Cluster Building Building B, 1st floor. Students and staff of FoN and Health Science Cluster can use the lactation room in coordination with the staff of its buliding.

Lactation Room in FoN UI

Nursing UI Daycare

Nursing UI Baby Daycare (Pusat Tumbuh Kembang Terintegrasi/Integrated Childhood Development Centre) is a professionally managed baby daycare under the auspices of the Nursing Training Center and the Pediatric Nursing Department Faculty of Nursing UI. It is located in FoN UI Postgraduate Building and is open for public, especially for students and staff of Universitas Indonesia.

Child care at Nursing UI Baby Daycare is carried out by educated and trained personnel who have an understanding of child development, as well as the concept of growth and development in every activity. Nursing UI Baby Daycare pays attention to cognitive development, psychosocial, and moral development of children.

The advantages of Nursing UI Baby Daycare are:

  1. The presence of trained caregivers
  2. Under the guidance and supervision of FoN UI Pediatric Nursing Department
  3. Stimulation and early detection of growth and development
  4. Regular checks of child growth and development
  5. Monthly reports of child growth and development 
  6. Free consultation with professional consultants 
  7. Baby health maintenance
  8. Smart security system and live CCTV access
  9. A safe, comfortable, and hygienic environment

Link to Nursing UI Day Care

  ▸ Women’s mentoring schemes

There is no difference in graduation rates between male or female students. Both have the same opportunity to graduate on time.
The tracking results show that the graduation rate for women is higher than for men, this is influenced by the number of women in Faculty of Nursing is greater than the number of men. In 2022, there are 451 graduates and 388 of them are women. There is no gap between male and female students.

  ▸ Policies protecting those reporting discrimination

SDG 5 in Numbers

Number of Women Starting a Degree


Number of First-Generation Women Starting a Degree


Proportion of First-Generation Female Students


Number of Senior Academic Staff


Number of Female Senior Academic Staff


Proportion of Senior Female Academics


Number of Graduates


Number of Female Graduates


Proportion of Women Receiving Degrees


Klaster Riset

Student Access Measures

  ▸ Tracking access measures

  ▸ Policy for women applications and entry

  ▸ Women’s access schemes

  ▸ Women’s application in underrepresented subjects

Women’s Progress Measures

  ▸ Policy of non-discrimination against women

  ▸ Non-discrimination policies for transgender

  ▸ Maternity and paternity policies

Integrated Childhood Development Centre FoN UI

The Integrated Childhood Development Centre room is located in Education and Laboratory Building of Faculty of Nursing of UI (Post-graduate Building). This room is intended as a place to accomodate the need for an adequate, representative, prestigious, beautiful, comfortable, and supportive academic facility in the quality development of nursing human resources. Moreover, it can also be used as a childcare facility for students and staff’s children which can allow new mothers to keep their activities around the university. The construction of this room is mainly funded through donation from ILUNI, fellow supporters, and the big family of FoN UI, and by building a good institutional relationship with the government and other stakeholders. This room is about 84 m². At present, this room has been equipped with some essential facilities.


Facilities for Maternity Care

Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia, as a part of the health sciences cluster, is very concerned about the Exclusive Breastfeeding program launched by the Ministry of Health. The form of support is the existence of lactation room facilities which is intended for students and staff who wants to pump breast milk or breastfeed their baby (Maternity Care). This lactation room is equipped with a refrigerator for storing breast milk, breastfeeding education posters, sterilized breast milk bottles, air conditioners and comfortable chairs for mothers who want to pump breast milk or breastfeed their babies. The lactation room in the FoN UI environment is located in the Education and Laboratory Building on the 2nd floor. Lactation room is also available in RIK/Health Science Cluster Building Building B, 1st floor. Students and staff of FoN and Health Science Cluster can use the lactation room in coordination with the staff of its buliding.

Lactation Room in FIK

  ▸ Women’s mentoring schemes

  ▸ Track women’s graduation rate

  ▸ Policies protecting those reporting discrimination

SDG 5 in Numbers

Number of Women Starting a Degree


Number of First-Generation Women Starting a Degree


Proportion of First-Generation Female Students

17.15 %

Number of Senior Academic Staff


Number of Female Senior Academic Staff


Proportion of Senior Female Academics

78.95 %

Number of Graduates


Number of Female Graduates


Proportion of Women Receiving Degrees

85.37 %
