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Prof. Dr. Nani Nurhaeni, M.N.

Professor | Department of Pediatric Nursing

Building & Room : A Building Rumpun Ilmu Kesehatan, 2nd floor
Address (office) : Faculty of Nursing, Gd A lt 2 Rumpun Ilmu Kesehatan, Universitas Indonesia, Depok Jawa Barat 16424, Indonesia
Email :


Universitas Indonesia, S3, 2014, Nursing
Memorial University of Newfoundland, S2, 2002, Nursing
Universitas Indonesia, S1, 1992, Nursing

Professional membership

Kolegium Keperawatan Anak


Nani started working at Faculty of Nursing (FoN) Universitas Indonesia since 1993. Before working at FON UI, she worked at Islamic Center hospital for adult patients during 6 months. As a young staff in paediatric nursing department at FoN UI, she must have experience for nursing care in paediatric area, therefore she worked at Cipto Mangunkusumo and Harapan Kita hospitals during 1993 -1995.

Nani has finishing her bachelor and doctoral degree at FoN UI. She completed her master degree at Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada. Her dissertation was focused on family empowerment for paediatric patient especially pneumonia at hospital.

In context of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, for the education area, Nani teaches for undergraduate and post graduate students. The subjects that she has to teach including paediatric concept, acute care, and advanced paediatric assessment. She is also teaching in quantitative research, nursing ethic, nursing theory and science.

Her research area in paediatric includes infection diseases especially for pneumonia, growth and development, family empowerment, stunting, and health promotion. Finally for community engagement, I was involved in health prevention and promotion activities, detection and stimulation for growth and development, stunting prevention, and improving nutrition for children under five years. There were some publication has been produced from the research and community engagement activities that she has conducted.

Selected Grants

  • PITTA 2017, Intervensi tanpa trauma dalam mendukung penyembuhan anak di rumah sakit, Principal Investigator
  • PITTA 2018, Fenomena masalah kesehatan anak balita dan penanganannya: Studi deskriptif dan intervensi, Principal Investigator
  • PITTA A 2019, Analisis Faktor Risiko dan Edukasi Berbasis Video untuk Balita Pneumonia di Wilayah DKI Jakarta, Principal Investigator
  • PITTA B 2019, Intervensi Keperawatan Anak Berbasis Kenyamanan Dan Keselamatan, Principal Investigator
  • PUTI Sainteks 2020, Efektivitas story telling terhadap takut akibat hospitalisasi pada anak usia sekolah, Principal Investigator
  • PUTI Sainteks 2020, Pengaruh pengaturan posisi lateral dan prone terhadap saturasi oksigen dan frekuensi napas pada balita dengan pneumonia, Principal Investigator
  • PUTI Sainteks 2020, Persepsi orang tua tentang bahaya asap rokok terhadap balita pneumonia di Kabupaten Manggarai, Principal Investigator
  • PUTI Sainteks 2020, Hubungan penggunaan fitur jadwal imunisasi aplikasi seluler primaku dan sikap orang tua terhadap cakupan imunisasi dasar lengkap di Provinsi Jawa Barat, Principal Investigator
  • PUTI Sainteks 2020, Motivasi remaja menjadi perilaku kekerasan: Studi fenomenologi, Principal Investigator
  • PUTI Sainteks 2020, Pengaruh bermain terapeutik modifikasi pursed lips breathing (PLB) terhadap saturasi oksigen anak usia prasekolah dengan pneumonia, Principal Investigator

Selected Publications

