Building & Room : Gedung E Lantai 7 Rumpun Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Indonesia
Address (office) :Kampus UI Depok, West Java, Indonesia 16424
Email : liyaarista@ui.ac.id
Universitas Indonesia Faculty of Nursing, Medical Surgical Nursing Specialist, 2014, Medical Surgical Nursing
Universitas Indonesia Faculty of Nursing, Master of Nursing, 2012, Medical Surgical Nursing
Universitas Indonesia Faculty of Nursing, Bachelor of Nursing (Sarjana Keperawatan), 2006, Nursing
Professional membership
Indonesian Nurses Association
Liya Arista is an lecturer at the Universitas Indonesia, Faculty of Nursing, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing. She completed her master’s in nursing, specialty in medical surgical nursing . She also completed her specialist in nursing focusing on Orthopaedic Nursing. She actively teaches about nursing care in musculoskeletal disorder. She also a Clinical Care Manager at the UI Hospital, especially in the inpatient ward. The research areas of interest include: perioperative care and orthopaedic nursing
Selected Grants
- Hibah Muda FIK UI, 2017, Phenomenology Study: Patient’s Experience in adaptation post operation recovery of lower limb fracture, principal investigator.
Selected Publications
- Arista, L., Nurachmah, E., & Herawati, T. (2020). Penerapan Program Pemberdayaan Keluarga Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Status Fungsional Klien dan Kesiapan Keluarga Merawat Klien Stroke. Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Keperawatan Indonesia, 10(04), 148-155.
- Maria, R., Aryani, D. F., & Arista, L. (2015). The Perception and Life Experience of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients during Treatments in Jakarta, Indonesia: A Qualitative Study. GSTF Journal of Nursing and Health Care (JNHC), 2(2), 1-5.
- Wisudawati, M. Y., & Arista, L. (2020). Descriptive Study: Self Motivation of Patients Undergoing Routine Hemodialysis with Fluid Restriction. UI Proceedings on Health and Medicine, 4(1), 34-38.