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Dr. Kuntarti., S.Kp., M.Biomed

Assistant Professor | Department of Basic Science and Fundamental of Nursing

Building & Room : The 2nd A Building and 7th floor E Building
Address (office) : Rumpun Ilmu Kesehatan, UI Campus, Depok
Email :


Universitas Indonesia, Doctor, 2021, Nursing Sciences
Universitas Indonesia, Master, 2007, Biomedical Sciences (Physiology)
Universitas Indonesia, Bachelor, 1999, Nursing Science

Professional membership

Sigma Theta Tau International – Beta Lambda Chapter
International Association for Human Caring (IAHC)
Indonesian Physiology Expert


Kuntarti is a lecturer at the Universitas Indonesia, Faculty of Nursing, Department of Basic Science and Fundamental of Nursing. She completed her master’s in biomedical science, a specialty of Physiology. She actively teaches basic science for nurses which combines Biology, Physic, Anatomy-Histology, and Physiology (as Biomedical Science I); Pathology, Pharmacology, Microbiology, and Parasitology (as Biomedical Science II); the basic concept of nursing, fundamentals of nursing; professionalism in nursing, and research method. She writes books and articles, then publishes them in peer review journals. After she completed her Doctoral of Nursing Science focusing on caring personality, Kuntarti actively carried out research and community services in the area of caring in nursing education and services, sleep, and Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs).

Selected Grants

  • “MOOCs Development for XuetangX in ICE-I” 2022, Basic Science in Nursing, Member Team
  • “MOOCs Development UI Grant 2021”, Basic Science in Nursing, Member Team
  • PUTI Prosiding 2020, Caring personality and behavior: Relationship with nurse performance, Principle Investigator
  • Penelitian Disertasi Doktor 2019, Development of caring personality inventory, Student
  • IPTEK bagi Masyarakat UI 2019, Boothcamp of konselor remaja: Pendekatan SDGs dalam pencegahan NCDs, Member of community engagement project
  • PITTA 2018, Transformation of person-centered care by nurses’ caring behavior and commitment in nursing services, Member of investigators.
  • IPTEK bagi Masyarakat UI 2018, Universitas Indonesia students’ engagement in Gerakan Masyarakat Sehat to prevent the metabolic syndrome, Coordinator of community engagement project
  • PITTA 2017, Caring in nursing management, Member of investigators

Selected Publications

