Divisi Kerja Sama Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia (FIK UI) memfasilitasi kolaborasi dengan instansi dan institusi terkait, seperti pelayanan kesehatan/keperawatan di rumah sakit, puskesmas, komunitas, dan sekolah. FIK UI secara terbuka memberikan bantuan konsultasi dan bimbingan berupa pengembangan pelayanan kesehatan/keperawatan di institusi pelayanan kesehatan/keperawatan dan institusi pendidikan. Bantuan ini dapat diwujudkan dengan dibuatnya kerja sama formal yang menguntungkan kedua belah pihak.
Selain untuk kegiatan pelayanan dan pendidikan, kerja sama dapat diwujudkan dalam bentuk penelitian baik dengan institusi pelayanan maupun pendidikan. Kerja sama berfokus pada penyusunan proposal penelitian maupun pelaksanaan penelitian dan bahkan untuk persiapan publikasi. Penelitian yang dilakukan diharapkan dapat mengembangkan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan/keperawatan dan memberikan solusi bagi permasalahan kesehatan khususnya di bidang keperawatan.
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia memiliki visi untuk dapat bersaing di tingkat global. Hal ini perlu didukung oleh adanya kerja sama dengan berbagai Universitas di luar negeri yang memiliki reputasi baik dalam pengembangan ilmu keperawatan. Kerja sama yang dilakukan dapat berupa pertukaran staf pengajar, pertukaran mahasiswa, kolaborasi riset, serta partisipasi dalam berbagai macam kegiatan ilmiah internasional (seminar, workshop atau konferensi internasional).
Period : 2020-2025
Agreement in academic exchange for students and staff and joint research program
Period : 2022-2027
Agreement in academic exchange for students and staff and joint research program
Period : 2022-2027
Agreement in academic exchange for students and staff and joint research program
Period : 2023-2028
Agreement in academic and non academic exchange for students and staff and joint research program
Period : 2022-2027
Agreement in academic and non academic exchange for students and staff and joint research program
Period : 2022-2026
Agreement in students and staff exchange, joint research, mutual consultation, training, capacity building
Period : 2022-2027
Agreement in academic and non academic exchange for students and staff and joint research program
Period : 2021-2026
Agreement in collaborative research
Period : 2022-2027
Agreement in academic exchange through the students, scholar, and knowledge exchange program as well as research collaboration
Period : 2021-2025
Agreement in strengthening oncological nursing in Indonesia
Period : 2023-2028
Agreement in academic exchange for students and staff and joint research program
Period : 2020-2025
Agreement in academic exchange for students and staff and joint research program
Period : 2021 – 2026
Agreement in academic exchange through the students, scholar, and knowledge exchange program as well as research collaboration
Period : 2020-2025
Agreement in academic exchange for students and staff and joint research program
Period : 2022-2027
Non-academic Collaboration
Period : 2019-2024
Agreement in collaborative research
Period : 2023-2025
Non-academic Collaboration
Period : 2023-2025
Education, research, and community engagement
Period : 2023-2026
Education, research, and community engagement
Period : 2022-2027
Organization of Education, Research, and Community Service
Period : 2023-2025
Organization of Education, Research, and Community Service
Period : 2023-2025
Implementation of clinical practice
Period : 2023-2026
Implementation of Tridharma
Period : 2021-2025
Strengthening the Capacity of Oncology Nurses to Improve Cancer Management Outcomes in Indonesia
Period : 2023-2025
Education, research, and community engagement
Period : 2020-2025
Research and Community Service for the Academic Community of the Faculty of Nursing, University of Indonesia for Prisoners/ Inmates/Children/Clients
Period : 2023-2026
Organization of Education, Research, and Community Service
Period : 2023-2026
Caregiver Training (Kaigo)
Period : 2021-2024
Implementation of clinical practice
Period : 2022-2026
Education, Research, and Community Service
Period : 2023-2026
Implementation of clinical practice and research
Period : 2021-2024
Implementation of clinical practice
Period : 2020 – 2025
FoN UI Specialist Nursing Program Student Competency Test
Period : 2021-2024
Implementation of clinical practice
Period : 2023-2026
Alumni recruitment
Period : 2021-2025
Strengthening the capacity of oncology nurses to improve cancer management outcomes in Indonesia
Period : 2021-2024
Education, research, and community service
Period : 2021-2024
Education, research, and community service
Period : 2021-2026
Implementation of clinical practice
Period : 2022-2027
Education, research, and community service
Period : 2023-2027
Education, research, and community service
Period : 2021-2024
Implementation of clinical practice
Period : 2024-2026
Education, research, and community service
Period : 2023-2025
Implementation of clinical practice
Period : 2024-2026
Implementation of clinical practice
Period : 2020-2023
Period : 2024-2027
Implementation of clinical practice
Period : 2021-2024
Implementation of clinical practice
Period : 2023-2028
Implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education
Period : 2022-2026
Organization of Training Activities, Seminars, Webinars, and Festivals in the framework of STAND Research
Period : 2021-2024
Use of Nursing Clinical Practice Facilities
Period : 2023-2028
Implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education
Period : 2023-2026
Implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education
Period : 2022-2027
Implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education
Period : 2022-2025
Academic Health System
Period : 2023-2024
Education, research, and community service
Period : 2024-2027
Organization of Learning and Research Practices
Period : 2021-2024
Placement of ATM Machines in the Education Building and Postgraduate Laboratory of FoN UI
Period : 2022-2025
Organizing Training for Nurses
Period : 2020-2025
Agreement in research
collaboration and nursing
competency development through
nursing training, seminar, etc.
Gedung A Lantai 2, Rumpun Ilmu Kesehatan (RIK), Kampus UI Depok,
Jl. Prof. Dr. Bahder Djohan, Kampus UI Depok, Pondok Cina, Kecamatan Beji, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16424, Indonesia.
Jl. Prof. DR. Sudjono D. Pusponegoro, Kampus UI Depok, Pondok Cina, Kecamatan Beji, Kota Depok,
Jawa Barat 16424, Indonesia.