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Students of the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Indonesia (FoN UI) staged an action for the State of 2019. Through the UI Community Nursing Team (FoN UI Community Service), they provided and installed solar panels on Binongko Island, Wakatobi in order to become an alternative source of electrical energy in the region local.

Through the procurement and installation of this solar panel, the FoN UI Community Service Team successfully illuminated the Pulau Anak Community Library, so that local children could read and study at night. Previously, reading activities in the library were only conducted in the afternoon.

The activity led by La Ode Abdul Rahman, Department of Basic Nursing and Basic Nursing Department lecturer and three FoN UI Postgraduate Students took part in the children of the island by selecting teenagers from high schools throughout Binongko Island, Wakatobi Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province, as agents of change in in running the Go-Green program.

The activity that was carried out on Thursday (7/25/2019) carried the theme of Go-Green: Alternative Energy and Reduction of Plastic Waste.

In addition to providing solar panels, the FoN UI Community Services Team also promoted the movement to reduce the use of plastics and plastic waste recycling.

Campaign activities are carried out by introducing the dangers of plastic waste as well as the implementation of ecogreen in the form of the utilization of plastic waste from mineral water bottles to be processed into seats in the Pulau Anak Community Library, school environment, government office environment, and the environment around the residence.
