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Students are one of the vulnerable populations affected by NCDs. Lack of awareness and willingness of students to live healthy and check their health, puts students at risk for health problems such as obesity, hypertension, insulin resistance, hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia. Promotive and preventive activities for students related to NCD are better than curative and rehabilitative activities.

FoN UI Community Service Team consisting of three Lecturers of the Basic Nursing and Basic Nursing Department (DKKD), namely Hening Pujasari, S.Kp., M. Biomed., MNAP, PhD; Ns. La Ode Abdul Rahman, S.Kep., MBA; Kuntarti, S.Kp., M. Biomed; and three Postgraduate Students of the Faculty of Nursing, University of Indonesia, namely Ns. Arjuna, S.Kep, Ns. Silvia Elki Putri, S.Kep, Ns. Boby Nurmagandi, S.Kep carried out the Youth Counselor Boot Camp: The SDGs Approach in the Prevention of Non-Communicable Diseases. The continuation of this activity is through a healthy living campaign and the establishment of a Community Counselors for Youth Care for NCDs.

Counselors who have participated in boot camp then conduct a healthy living campaign to raise awareness about the importance of preventing Non-Communicable Disease from an early age and change student behavior to live healthy without NCD. Healthy living campaign on Friday, December 6, 2019 at the FoN UI Postgraduate Building targeting the academic community and the FoN UI community. Health checks and health education activities are carried out after healthy exercise starting at 07.30 to 09.30 wib. The number of participants in the healthy living campaign is 47 people with types of blood pressure, uric acid, blood sugar and cholesterol checks. This activity continues on Sunday, December 8, 2019 at the UI Rotunda starting at 06.00 to 09.00 WIB with the target of the general public. The number of participants in the healthy living campaign is 47 people. The public gets a health screening and question and answer discussion related to healthy living.

The formation of the NCDs Care Youth Counselor Community was attended by the FoN UI Community Service Team and Youth Counselors. This community is a tangible manifestation of the sustainability of peer health educators as a form of concern for Non-Communicable Disease which is growing in Indonesia. In addition, being an agent of change in healthy living behavior in an effort to fight Non-Communicable Disease among students and society in general. This community comes from peer health educators that have been formed. It is hoped that this community will remain active even though the Community Service activities have been completed.
