A program that has long-term goals requires sustainability in it. The Faculty of Nursing, University of Indonesia (FoN UI) which has the goal of encouraging the prevention of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and environmental sustainability (green metrics) at FoN UI itself, needs to carry out sustainable programs in order to achieve these goals. the. The follow-up program from the Awareness Training activity which was the opening of a series of science and technology community service activities for the community (IBM), was carried out in the form of workshop activities to conduct curriculum mapping and prepare standard operational procedures. The curriculum and Standard Operational Procedures (POB) will later be compiled based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) approach to encourage the prevention of NCDs and environmental sustainability at FoN UI.
This workshop was held on Thursday, July 18 2019, at the University of Indonesia Health Sciences building. Participants who were targeted for this activity were the Education Manager, General Manager, Head of Study Programs/Head of Department, departmental lecturers, education coordinator, and FoN UI general coordinator. The workshop will contain material sessions, by Dr. Enie Novieastari, S. Kp., MSN and Dr. Nani Nurhaeni, S. Kp., M.N., and discussion of curriculum mapping and standard operating procedures and continued with the presentation of the results of the discussion. Through this activity, it is hoped that the curriculum and POB in FoN UI can be identified based on the SDGs approach to achieve the goals of preventing NCDs and environmental sustainability at FoN UI.