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Community Service

Universitas Indonesia Improves Kusamba Village's Preparedness for Floods and Infectious Diseases through Educational Programs

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3 October 2024

Kusamba Village, Bali, is again the target of an innovative program from the University of Indonesia (UI) PALAPA Community Service Team. This time, the program focused on flood disaster mitigation and prevention of infectious diseases, especially Dengue Fever (DHF). With the aim of supporting the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) point 3: Good Health and Wellbeing, this team seeks to improve the preparedness of coastal communities against the threat of tidal flooding and environmentally-induced diseases, such as dengue fever.

As a coastal village located in Klungkung Regency, Bali, Kusamba Village is not immune to the impacts of climate change, such as rising sea levels that result in tidal flooding. The puddles that often arise not only disrupt the daily activities of residents, but also increase the risk of infectious diseases such as dengue fever. The disease, caused by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, generally breeds in stagnant water, which becomes more prevalent after flooding.

This situation makes the Kusamba Village community have to deal with a double threat, namely threats from the environment and health. This prompted the PALAPA UI Team led by Ns. Indah Permata Sari, S.Kep, M.Kep, Sp.Kep.Kom., consisting of Dewita Angelina (FIK UI 2021) as the chief executive, Petra Siahaan (FIK UI 2021), Dhea Setya Febriyanti (FIK UI 2021), Reiza Rachmadani (FIK UI 2021), Fadhilla Annastasya E. (FIK UI 2021), M. Rais Makka (FIK UI 2021), Muhammad Mukaffi Nasution (FIK UI 2022), Rafi Sadam Al-Ghifari (FMIPA UI 2021), Madhita Eka Putri (FIB 2022), and Rabani Malikul Ilah (FIB 2022) to provide solutions by educating the local community regarding disaster mitigation and infectious disease prevention. The team consists of FIK UI and FMIPA UI students who work together with the village government and Karang Taruna organization to provide comprehensive training to the Kusamba Village community.

The PALAPA UI team takes a holistic approach that covers two main aspects: first, flood risk mitigation through environmental management efforts, and second, infectious disease prevention through hygiene practices and waterlogging management. In the flood mitigation aspect, the community was taught the importance of keeping the environment clean, especially waterways, so that water flow can be smooth and unclogged. In addition, the team also promoted tree planting and reforestation around the village as a preventive measure to reduce the impact of flooding.

Dewita Angelina, team leader of PALAPA UI, explained, “We see that in addition to health problems, Kusamba Village is also faced with environmental challenges. We are trying to provide the right education so that the community can be better prepared for floods and reduce the risk of infectious diseases that often appear after floods.”

Not only that, in the education of dengue prevention, the community is invited to carry out Mosquito Nest Eradication (PSN) regularly by cleaning places that become breeding sites for Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. The participants were also provided with an understanding of the early signs of DHF and how to prevent its spread.


In this program, the youth of the local Karang Taruna are also actively involved. They are encouraged to become agents of change in their communities by being role models in maintaining environmental cleanliness and assisting residents in disaster mitigation efforts. The youth receive specialized training on environmental management, from how to identify flood-prone areas to cleaning drains and greening efforts in the village.

According to one of the Karang Taruna members, Putu Adi, the program provided new insights for the youth of the village. “We feel more prepared in the face of flooding and know the steps to take. In addition, we also understand the importance of maintaining environmental hygiene to prevent diseases such as dengue fever,” he said.

The education program was held at Kusamba Village Hall and attended by various elements of the community, including the Head of Kusamba Village, I Nengah Semadi Adnyana, and the Village Midwife, Nyoman Ratna, who is active in monitoring the health of the village community. The support from the village government and local health workers makes this program even more relevant and targeted.

The Dean of the Faculty of Nursing at the University Indonesia, Agus Setiawan, S.Kp., M.N., expressed his appreciation for the efforts made by the PALAPA UI Team. According to him, public health cannot be separated from natural disaster preparedness. “Good health is not only about being free from disease, but also about the ability to survive and recover from disasters that may occur. This program shows the importance of education in building community resilience,” said Agus Setiawan.

Agus Setiawan also added that disaster mitigation must be an integral part of preventive efforts in maintaining public health. “Disaster mitigation education is a very important first step. With the right understanding, the community can be better prepared to face disasters, so that the impact on health can be minimized,” he added.

Through this education, it is hoped that the people of Kusamba Village will not only become more aware of the risks of flooding, but also better prepared to face the various challenges that arise due to climate change. With proper knowledge on flood mitigation and infectious disease prevention, the village is expected to strengthen their community's resilience to environmental and health threats.

In the long term, the program is also expected to be implemented in other villages facing similar risks. This approach, which combines health education and disaster preparedness, is believed to have a sustainable impact on coastal communities that are vulnerable to climate change.

With good collaboration between academics, government, and the community, Kusamba Village is expected to become a successful example in facing the challenges of climate change and maintaining holistic public health. This program is also proof that proper education and understanding can be key in building community resilience in the era of global change.

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