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Community Service

University Indonesia Educating the Kusamba Village Community: Making Tongkol Fish Nugget as a Solution for Stunting

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3 October 2024

Kusamba Village in Klungkung Regency, Bali, is again the site of an innovative program by the University of Indonesia (UI) PALAPA Community Service Team. In order to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) point 2 target, “Zero Hunger,” this program aims to reduce the high stunting rate in the region. Stunting, which occurs due to lack of nutrition in children, threatens the future of the next generation. Therefore, the PALAPA Team presents a practical solution through training in making nuggets made from tuna, a local protein source that is rich in omega-3.

Stunting is a health problem that affects the physical and cognitive development of children. Data from the Kusamba Village Posyandu shows that many children in this area experience growth delays due to a lack of balanced nutritional intake. This prompted the PALAPA UI Team, supervised by Ns. Indah Permata Sari, S.Kep, M.Kep, Sp.Kep.Kom. consisting of Dewita Angelina (FIK UI 2021) as the chief executive, Petra Siahaan (FIK UI 2021), Dhea Setya Febriyanti (FIK UI 2021), Reiza Rachmadani (FIK UI 2021), Fadhilla Annastasya E. (FIK UI 2021), M.. Rais Makka (FIK UI 2021), Muhammad Mukaffi Nasution (FIK UI 2022), Rafi Sadam Al-Ghifari (FMIPA UI 2021), Madhita Eka Putri (FIB 2022), and Rabani Malikul Ilah (FIB 2022), to present an innovative solution through the utilization of tuna-one of the abundant marine products in Kusamba.

“We chose tuna because it is not only easily available, but also has high nutritional value. The protein and omega-3 contained in it are very important to support children's growth, especially in overcoming the problem of stunting,” Dewita Angelina explained. This program not only provides theoretical education, but also involves Posyandu cadres and PKK members in direct practice in making tuna nuggets. The hope is that these skills can be applied in everyday life to provide nutritious food that children love.

The training on making tuna nuggets held at the Kusamba Village Head Office was attended by around 50 Posyandu cadres and PKK members. In addition, this activity was also attended by Village Head I Nengah Semadi Adnyana, as well as Midwife Erna, who has been active in monitoring the health of children in the village. The training began with a presentation on the importance of balanced nutrition for children's growth and development, especially in preventing stunting, then continued with the practice of making tuna nuggets.

The participants were very enthusiastic about the training. According to Mrs. Made Dewi, one of the PKK members, this training is very useful because it is easy to implement at home. “These tuna nuggets are practical and the ingredients are easy to obtain. My children like it, and it can be an alternative nutritious food for them,” she said.

Midwife Erna also expressed her appreciation for this program, considering that stunting is a complex problem and requires intervention from various parties. “This program really helps us as health cadres in providing more education to the community. Providing nutritious food for toddlers is one of the important steps in preventing stunting, and training like this provides practical solutions for mothers at home,” explained Midwife Erna.

The Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, University Indonesia, Agus Setiawan, S.Kp., M.N., appreciated the collaboration established by the PALAPA community service team. According to him, this program is clear evidence that the synergy between academics, village governments, and communities can produce effective solutions in overcoming health problems such as stunting.

“Stunting is not only a problem that affects the physical condition of children, but is also related to food security and family welfare. This training program shows that local approaches, such as utilizing the potential of tuna, can be key in providing the nutritional intake needed for optimal growth of children. I hope that initiatives like this can be expanded to other areas that are also facing similar problems,” said Agus Setiawan.

Agus Setiawan also added that the problem of stunting needs more attention from various parties because of its long-term impact. “Stunting prevention is not only the responsibility of the health sector, but also includes social and economic aspects. Therefore, this program that combines nutrition education and community empowerment is very relevant in overcoming the challenges we face.”

The tuna nugget-making training program is expected to not only be the first step for the Kusamba Village community in overcoming the stunting problem, but also become a model for community empowerment in various other areas. By utilizing local potential and providing the right education, families in this village are expected to be able to provide nutritious food that supports the optimal growth of their children.

In addition, the PALAPA UI Team plans to continue monitoring the nutritional development of children in Kusamba Village through collaboration with the local posyandu. This training program is also expected to be sustainable by involving more health cadres and housewives so that stunting prevention efforts can touch all levels of society.

Thus, Kusamba Village can be an example of how the utilization of local potential and good collaboration can produce positive changes in public health, especially in stunting prevention efforts. This program is also expected to inspire other regions in Indonesia to make similar efforts for a healthier and more qualified future of the next generation.

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