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Organization Structure

Organization Structure

The organizational structure of the Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Indonesia (FON UI) is in accordance with the structure of Universitas Indonesia as a legal university.

Faculty Leader

Faculty Leader

Prof. Dr. Rr. Tutik Sri Hariyati, S.Kp., M.A.R.S.


Dr. Wiwin Wiarsih, S.Kp., M.N

Vice Dean for Academic Affairs

Dr. Masfuri, S.Kp., M.N.

Vice Dean for Resources, Ventures and General Administration

Head of Academic Quality Assurance Unit (UPMA)

Aries Mundari, S.Sos.

Head of Faculty Administration Center

Education and Student Affairs Manager

Manager of Research, Publication, and Community Service

Cooperation and Alumni Relations Manager

Head of UKK PPM Nursing Training Center FIKUI
