Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia admitted students from the middle to lower economic classes. Those admitted receive financial assistance from the Indonesian government through various programs as an effort to increase access and learning opportunities at universities for prospective students who are economically disadvantaged and have good academic potential. In 2023, 198 students recieved Bidikmisi/The Indonesia Smart College Card Scholarship (KIP-K), 6 students recieved The Higher Education Affirmation Scholarship (ADik), and 12 students recieved The Jakarta Excellent Student Card Scholarship (KJMU).
List of Students Receiving Scholarships
Information regarding available scholarships can be accessed by the students at http://beasiswa.ui.ac.id/web/
In 2023, a record number of 73 students from low-income families successfully graduated from college. Among these students, a high percentage of 71.23% students managed to graduate on time within 7-8 semesters for bachelor graduates and 2 semesters for profession graduates.
List of Graduates Receiving Scholarships
Universitas Indonesia provides affordable paid student dormitories for underprivileged students of the university. Through the faculty, students are given the opportunity to request for fee reductions, waivers of overdue fines, and waivers of dormitory rental fees.
UI Student Dormitory Instagram Account
Faculty of Nursing collaborates with Alumni Association of Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia (ILUNI FIK UI) provides scholarships to Nursing Professional Students. The scholarship is used to pay BOP (Education Operational Costs) when students study the Nursing Profession at FIKUI. It is hoped that this scholarship will be useful in smoothing the educational process for students in the FIK UI Nursing Study Program, so that students are enthusiastic in carrying out their education and are not bothered by financial problems. Each semester, an amount of 42 million rupiahs are given to students from nursing professional program.
ILUNI FIK UI Instagram account
▸ Low or lower-middle income countries student support
▸ Local start-up assistance
▸ Local start-up financial assistance
In 2023, FoN UI students and lecturers organised trainings and programmes to improve access to basic services for the community. The training and programmes held are mostly community outreach about stunting and mental health; and health outreach in junior high schools.
Prevention and Control of Stunting through the “Youth Laskar Cegah Stunting (Rela Ceting)”, Lombok Specialized Complementary Food Recipes (Rempah Lombok), and Strengthening the Role of Cadres in Jerowaru District, NTB.
As a form of FoN UI’s efforts to implement the second SDGs goal of eliminating hunger and all forms of malnutrition, the FoN UI community service team in collaboration with the Jerowaru Community Health Center and the East Lombok Regency Women’s Empowerment, Child Protection and Family Planning Office (DP3AKB) held a program to empower cadres and mothers with children under two years of age (baduta) in an effort to prevent and control stunting. It is hoped that Jerowaru as a representative of East Lombok Regency can become a model for other sub-districts. This activity aims to provide an understanding to cadres and mothers about the importance of stunting prevention and the right way to provide complementary foods based on the local Lombok menu according to the age of the child.Evidence
- Rela Ceting Prototype, Android-based application to view information about stunting, anemia, and the relationship between teenagers and the incidence of stunting http://bit.ly/RelaCeting
- Lombok Post: Fighting Stunting, FoN UI Holds Empowerment of Cadres and Mother with Children Under Two years old in Jerowaru, East Lombok
- Lombok Post: FoN UI Educates Health Cadres and Planner Generation Teenagers to Fight Stunting
Other outreach programmes can be accessed in the link below
List of FoN UI programmes for services access
Promoting Health Awareness: Free Health Checks and Preventive Care. Promoting health awareness through free health checks and preventive care is vital for improving community well-being. These outreach programs provide essential services, like screenings and education, to those who may lack access to healthcare. By focusing on early detection and prevention, FoN UI empower individuals to take control of their health.
Supporting Evidence
- Free Health Check at Boulevard Universitas Indonesia: This program is conducted by trained students from the Faculty of Health Sciences (FIK) at Universitas Indonesia. It offers important health examinations, including blood sugar, cholesterol, uric acid, and blood pressure tests. The initiative aims to raise public awareness about the importance of early disease detection and preventive health measures.
Community Service: Healthy Bones, Strong Body, Meaningful Life: Participants can take part in bone and joint exercises, health discussions and consultations, as well as receive important health check-ups such as blood pressure, body fat, blood sugar, uric acid, and bone density tests. The program highlights the importance of strong bones and a healthy body for a fulfilling life.
FoN UI also have a Special Work Unit for Community Service and Service (UKKPPM) called Nursing Training Center (NTC) that has engaged in providing seminars, workshops and health training services to facilitate health workers, health students, health education practitioners and the general public to be able to access the latest quality health science developments. Throughout 2023, NTC has organized various trainings and seminars including 3 seminars and 12 trainings with a total of 1,863 participants. The program aims to improve access to education and training services for health workers and the general public, with 65% of participants being Nurse Educators and 35% health workers and the general public.
- NTC FoN UI Website https://ntcui.id/
- NTC FoN UI Instagram Account https://www.instagram.com/nursingtrainingcenter_ui/
- NTC FoN UI Training 2023 Calendar
▸ Policy addressing poverty
455 |
1,594 |
216 |
▸ Bottom financial quintile admission target
FoN UI ensures that their students receive enough economic support to finish their studies through government or non-government scholarships. Most of the scholarships received by students are scholarships provided by the government, such as Tuition Fee for High Achieving Economically Disadvantage Student (BIDIKMISI), The Higher Education Affirmation Scholarship (ADik), Smart Indonesia Card/Kartu Indonesia Pintar (KIP), Indonesian Ministry of Health Scholarship (PPSDM & KEMENKES), Ministry of Defense Scholarship (KEMHAN), Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP), Domestic Postgraduate Education Scholarship (BPPDN), and Jakarta Excellent Student Card from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government (KJMU DKI).
In 2022, 557 Faculty of Nursing students received scholarships: BIDIKMISI (111 students), ADik (9 students), KIP (107 students), PPSDM (52 students), KEMENKES (99 students), KEMHAN (8 students), LPDP (5 students), BPPDN Scholarship (2 students), KJMU DKI (20 students), Bogor City Government (4 students), Cadbury (100 students), ILUNI FIK UI Scholarship (13 students), Scholarship for Outstanding Students (4 students), Jakarta Scholarship Foundation (2 students), Crocodile Foundation (2 students), and other non-government scholarships (19 students).
Evidence: List of Students Receiving Scholarships
Information regarding available scholarships can be accessed by the students at http://beasiswa.ui.ac.id/web/
▸ Low-income student support
In 2021, marking one year of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia, various programs and policies were carried out by the government together with all stakeholders to revive the national economy and improve public health. Cadbury would like to invite the community to stop for a moment and share their appreciation by expressing their gratitude to those closest to them through the launch of a special limited edition package titled “Thank You” by using the hashtag #CadburyTerimaKasih.
To inspire the community to participate in this campaign, Cadbury collaborates with Alfamart and Kitabisa.com in collecting donations to fund future health workers. Throughout the pandemic, the role of the nurse is very important, not only they treat patients until patients recover, but also become friends for patients when they have to undergo isolation in hospitals. Seeing the dedication of nurses, Cadbury is moved to help 100 future nurses in the form of educational funds. The funding is given to the students of Professional Nurse Study Program who started their professional study in Year 2021/2022.
FoN UI in collaboration with Cadbury telling the story of nurses who continue to struggle during the pandemic
Thank You Nurses
Faculty of Nursing collaborates with Alumni Association of Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia (ILUNI FIK UI) also provides scholarships to 13 Nursing Professional Students. The scholarship is used to pay BOP (Education Operational Costs) when students study the Nursing Profession at FIKUI. It is hoped that this scholarship will be useful in smoothing the educational process for students in the FIK UI Nursing Study Program, so that students are enthusiastic in carrying out their education and are not bothered by financial problems.
ILUNI FIK UI Gives Scholarships to 13 Nursing Professional Students
▸ Low or lower-middle income countries student support
In order to support the local government to empower tourism in Sembalun District, in 2022, the Community Service Team from the Faculty of Nursing, University of Indonesia (FIKUI) carried out a community service activity entitled “Empowering Community in IT Literacy for Sustainable Tourism in Sembalun Village, East Lombok, NTB” through providing education and training regarding the role of technology in tourism promotion, types of social media that can be used for tourism promotion, and how to use social media for tourism promotion. The use of technology in developing tourist attractions will have a positive impact on the economic readiness of the community and the environment. FIKUI raises the issue of technological literacy in this community service activity because technology can be a powerful resource for promoting local tourism potential nationally and internationally.
The Community Service Team from FIK UI also carried out community service activities entitled “Empowering Community in Health Literacy for Sustainable Tourism in Sembalun Village, East Lombok, NTB” by providing education and training on waste sorting and management to women cadres in Sajang Village, Sembalun. FIK UI raises the issue of waste in this community service activity so that everyone has serious attention in solving the waste problem because it not only impacts the environment, but also health. Nurses have an important role in providing education regarding health literacy, one of which is the importance of keeping the surrounding environment clean. Nurses play a role in preventing the increase in the incidence of disease by providing nursing care, education or counseling, managing nursing services, and researchers.
As a form of strengthening safety culture, the academic community and FIK UI alumni together with the Komodo Labuan Bajo Regional Hospital and the West Manggarai Regency Tourism Office carried out community service for Labuan Bajo tourist guides with training in Basic Life Support (BHD) and First Aid for Accidents (P3K) in Labuan Bajo Regional Hospital. Basic Life Support (BHD) and First Aid for Accidents (P3K) training for tour guides are given in order to support local community in developing a sustainable business.
FIK UI Provides Training in the Use of Social Media for Tourism Promotion in NTB
Supporting sustainable local tourism, FIK UI provides education on Waste Management
FIK UI Encourages Strengthening Safety Culture to Labuan Bajo Tour Guides
▸ Local start-up financial assistance
In 2022, Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia organised trainings and programmes to improve access to basic services for the community. The training and programmes held are mostly about stunting, non communicable diseases, and mental health.
1. FoN UI Prevent Stunting in Batu Nampar Selatan Village, East Lombok:
- Lascar teenagers prevent stunting (Rela Ceting) prototype, Android-based application to view information about stunting, anemia, and the relationship between teenagers and the incidence of stunting.
http://bit.ly/RelaCeting- FIK UI Community Service Program Strengthens knowledge of complementary foods for breast milk (MP-ASI) for cadres and mothers with children under two years old through Lombok spices
https://lombokpost.jawapos.com/selong/1502792090/upaya-fik-ui-cegah-stunting-di-desa-batu-nampar-selatan-lombok-timur2. Stepping together: FIK UI Educate and Support Mothers on Successfull Breastfeeding
https://nursing.ui.ac.id/melangkah-bersama-fik-ui-mengedukasi-dan-mendukung-ibu-sukses-menyusui/3. Prevent stunting and increase the efficacy of mothers and toddlers, FIK UI Train Health Cadres in Bali
https://nursing.ui.ac.id/cegah-stunting-dan-tingkatkan-efikasi-ibu-rawat-balita-fik-ui-latih-kader-kesehatan-di-bali/4. Prevent stunting from an early age, FIK UI provides education to adolescents
https://nursing.ui.ac.id/cegah-stunting-sedari-dini-fik-ui-berikan-edukasi-pada-remaja/5. Prevent Stunting Events, FIK UI Holds Training for Health Cadres in NTT
https://nursing.ui.ac.id/cegah-kejadian-stunting-fik-ui-gelar-pelatihan-bagi-kader-kesehatan-di-ntt/6. Press Early Marriage Numbers with High Risk of Stunting, FIK UI Lombok Youth Education FIK UI Encourages Care Partner Empowerment at Komodo Hospital Labuan Bajo
https://nursing.ui.ac.id/tekan-angka-pernikahan-dini-fik-ui-edukasi-remaja-di-lombok/7. Visit Posyandu (Integrated Healthcare Center for Mothers and Children), FIK UI Holds Community Service Program in Mano Village, NTT
Non Communicable Disease
Prevent Lung Cancer and Non-Communicable Diseases, FIK UI Community Service Team conducted a free health check in Banyubiru Village
https://nursing.ui.ac.id/cegah-kanker-paru-dan-penyakit-tidak-menular-ptm-tim-pengmas-fik-ui-lakukan-cek-kesehatan-gratis-di-desa-banyubiru/FIK UI provides group therapy for the elderly with diabetes mellitus in Bali
Mental Health
Caring for the Nation’s Assets, FIK UI Strengthens Child Mental Health
https://nursing.ui.ac.id/selamatkan-aset-bangsa-fik-ui-perkuat-kesehatan-mental-anak-di-wilayah-bogor/Caring about the high cases of mental disorders, FIK UI Reduction of Stigma in People with Mental Health Problems (ODGJ) in West Manggarai
▸ Policy addressing poverty
1,491 |
557 |
37.36% |
▸ Bottom financial quintile admission target
FoN UI ensures that their students receive enough economic support to finish their studies through government or non-government scholarships, such as Tuition Fee for High Achieving Economically Disadvantage Student (BIDIKMISI), Smart Indonesia Card/Kartu Indonesia Pintar (KIP), Indonesian Ministry of Health scholarship (PPSDM), and Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP).
In 2021, three hundred and seventy one students receive scholarships: BIDIKMISI (111 students), KIP (107 students), Cadburry (100 students), PPSDM (38 students), LPDP (5 students), Jakarta Scholarship Foundation (Yayasan Beasiswa Jakarta) (2 students), Scholarship for Outstanding Students (3 students), and non-government scholarship (5 students).
Information regarding available scholarships can be accessed by the students at http://beasiswa.ui.ac.id/web/
▸ Low-income student support
In 2021, marking one year of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia, various programs and policies were carried out by the government together with all stakeholders to revive the national economy and improve public health. Cadbury would like to invite the community to stop for a moment and share their appreciation by expressing their gratitude to those closest to them through the launch of a special limited edition package titled “Thank You” by using the hashtag #CadburyTerimaKasih.
To inspire the community to participate in this campaign, Cadbury collaborates with Alfamart and Kitabisa.com in collecting donations to fund future health workers. Throughout the pandemic, the role of the nurse is very important, not only they treat patients until they recover, but also become friends for patients when they have to undergo isolation in hospitals. Seeing the dedication of nurses, Cadbury is moved to help 100 future nurses at the Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Indonesia in the form of educational funds.
FoN UI in collaboration with Cadbury telling the story of nurses who continue to struggle during the pandemic
Thank You Nurses
▸ Low or lower-middle income countries student support
During the pandemic, people do not only face health problems, but also economic problems. Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia collaborated with Yayasan Baitul Maal Perusahaan Listrik Negara (YBM PLN) in a program to improve health and wellbeing of an underprivileged community.
To support the community in facing economic problems, FoN UI and YBM PLN gave trainings to the community who wants to be entrepreneurs. One of the trainings taught was making noodles from vegetables. This program aimed to increase economic independence through training. Not only teaching how to make vegetable noodles using local vegetables in the environment, the program also educated the community to keep balanced and healthy diet during the pandemic.
FoN UI helped ‘driving’ the community’s economy during the Pandemic
▸ Local start-up financial assistance
▸ Programmes for services access
▸ Policy addressing poverty
1,292 |
488 |
38% |
Gedung A Lantai 2, Rumpun Ilmu Kesehatan (RIK), Kampus UI Depok,
Jl. Prof. Dr. Bahder Djohan, Kampus UI Depok, Pondok Cina, Kecamatan Beji, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16424, Indonesia.
Jl. Prof. DR. Sudjono D. Pusponegoro, Kampus UI Depok, Pondok Cina, Kecamatan Beji, Kota Depok,
Jawa Barat 16424, Indonesia.