Nurses are the frontliners of the healthcare services. Nurses touch the life of their patients through compassion and competency. As the central of healthcare sevicws, they make a difference by creating a safer healing environment for patients and their families.
Nurses serve an important role in disaster preparedness at the local and national levels through planning, education, and direct care provided during disasters. Nurses are encouraged to participate actively in all phases of disaster preparedness and response within their institutions and communities. Within their institutions, they should engage in assessment and planning prior to a disaster, respond during a crisis, and assist with mitigating throughout the recovery phase.
Due to the unprecedented COVID-19 outbreak, the BINC Committee has decided to take the 2020 Biennial Conference to a virtual platform.
Save the Dates :
– Events
Track I : September 24,2020
Track II : October 30, 2020
Track III : November 16, 2020
– Abstract / Fyull Paper Submission
July 1 – August 15, 2020
– Notification of Acceptance (Abstract/ Full Paper)
August 31, 2020
-Registration / Payment
Early : July 1 – 31, 2020
Reguler : August 1 – September 18, 2020
Stay Tuned for More Details
We are finalizing the details and logistics of the virtual conference and will share more details about speakers and sessions, registration pricing and next steps, contact hours, and more.
Thank you again for your loyalty to BINC. We hope you are caring for yourself as you care for others. We look forward to seeing you online!