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Program Sarjana

Bachelor's Program in Nursing Science

Head of Study Program

Dr. Fajar Tri Waluyanti, S.Kp., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.An

The Bachelor's Program in Nursing Science at the Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Indonesia, is the largest and oldest nursing program in Indonesia. This program primarily focuses on preparing graduates to provide safe, competent, and ethical primary care to individuals, families, and culturally diverse populations across various healthcare settings and throughout the lifespan. Graduates are trained to function effectively as members of the nursing profession and as part of interdisciplinary health teams, while also engaging in and utilizing evidence-based practice. To obtain the degree, students must complete two stages: the academic stage and the professional stage. During the academic phase, students will learn about nursing concepts and skills in classroom and laboratory settings. In the professional stage, students will apply their knowledge and skills in family, community, primary health care centers, and/or hospital environments.

The Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Indonesia (FoN UI) fully recognizes the important role of nursing in improving health outcomes for everyone. Therefore, the Bachelor's Program in Nursing at the Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Indonesia, continuously strives to provide excellent nursing education to prepare the best generation of nurses. In addition, the Bachelor's Program in Nursing at FoN UI also fulfills the role of the three pillars of higher education known as the Tridharma of Higher Education, which includes education, research, and community service. These roles are reflected in the objectives of the Bachelor's Program in Nursing at FoN UI. The program consists of an academic phase and a professional phase to develop students into professional nurses with a strong foundation in theory and knowledge. In this effort, FoN UI has established the vision, mission, and objectives of the Bachelor's Program in Nursing as follows:


"To establish the Bachelor's Program at the Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Indonesia, as a center for the development of culturally sensitive nursing science and technology that can compete nationally and internationally, while contributing to health development by the year 2035."


  1. To provide wide and equitable access for the community to pursue quality nursing education at the undergraduate level.
  2. Organizing quality Tridharma activities that are relevant to the challenges of national and global health and nursing service development.
  3. Prepare students to become graduates who have high intellectuality, noble character and obey the Indonesian Nursing Code of Ethics so that they are able to compete nationally and globally.
  4. To create an academic climate that supports the realization of the program's vision.
  5. Improve national and global networks to achieve quality Tridharma and a good nursing image.
  6. To implement evidence-based nursing practices.,).
  7. Fostering nursing institutions and alumni in order to improve competence.
  8. To actively contribute to the achievement of Universitas Indonesia's vision of becoming an independent and excellent legal entity university capable of addressing national and global issues and challenges, aiming for excellence in Southeast Asia.


  1. Disseminating culturally sensitive nursing science and technology and striving for its application to improve public health
  2. Creating a professional nursing community that upholds the nursing code of ethics
  3. Producing quality graduates with expertise in urban nursing, enabling them to compete nationally and internationally
  4. Conducting various nursing research that can contribute to the development of culturally sensitive nursing science to address urban nursing issues, carried out both independently and in collaboration with domestic and international partners
  5. Encouraging and supporting the active participation of the academic community in health development and community service
  6. Establishing a network of national and international collaboration to enhance the quality of the tri-dharma and improve the image of nursing in general, particularly at FoN UI.

Graduate Profile

Nurses are able to provide nursing care to clients using knowledge and skills to manage clients ethically, culturally sensitively, effectively, and professionally based on mastery of science, IT, and evidence-based practice. They are also capable of making independent decisions at various stages of nursing care (assessment, nursing diagnosis formulation, planning, implementation, and evaluation).

Planning holistic nursing care for clients in general cases based on a culturally sensitive nursing process approach within the client system to achieve independence in self-care.

Planning education and promotion within the client system to achieve independence in self-care

Analyzing the organization of nursing care and coordinating with the healthcare team while demonstrating leadership qualities to achieve client care goals

Applying the steps of the scientific approach in resolving nursing problems

Demonstrating effective communication within the client system and collaboration with the healthcare team

Career Prospects

Anyone interested in helping others should consider obtaining a bachelor's degree in nursing. FoN prepares students to become professional nurses capable of providing nursing care, leading communities, educating people, performing nursing management functions, and conducting research. The majority of nurses work in hospitals, but some also work in private clinics, schools, care facilities, prisons, military bases, and many more. Experienced nurses are often called upon to supervise other nurses, teach nursing skills to students, handle administrative tasks, and even conduct research.
(Data on the Need for Nursing Personnel in Indonesia Source Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia)

Student Admission

The regular program accepts students who have graduated from high school/SMA/Aliyah who have passed through the following selection pathways:

a. National Examination for State Universities 'National Selection Based on Achievement/SNBP' 

National Achievement-Based Selection (SNBP) is conducted based on the results of tracking academic achievement using report cards and students' academic and non-academic achievements. The report card used is semester one to semester five for SMA/SMK/MA with a three-year study period or semester one to semester seven for SMK with a four-year study period. As for students' academic and non-academic achievements that are assessed are the three best achievements.

The management and processing of data for the purpose of selecting the SNBP pathway is carried out by the National Selection Committee for New Student Admissions (SNPMB) together with the Education Testing Management Center (BPPP) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek). SNBP participants are free of charge. The cost of organizing SNBP is fully borne by the government.

b. Joint Selection for State Universities/SNBT “National Test-Based Selection”

The 2024 National Test-Based Selection (SNBT) is an admission selection based on the results of the Computer-Based Written Test (UTBK) and can be added with other criteria in accordance with the provisions stipulated by the relevant Academic PTN, Vocational PTN, or State Islamic Religious Universities (PTKIN). Selection can be followed by students who have graduated from the last three years of secondary education (SMA / MA / SMK and equivalent), as well as graduates of the last three years of Package C with a maximum age of 25 years (as of July 1). The cost of organizing SNBT is borne by participants and subsidized by the government.

c. University of Indonesia Entrance Examination “UI Entrance Selection/SIMAK UI

Since 2009, the government has allowed public universities to organize new student admission tests independently. Details and information on how to enter Universitas Indonesia can be accessed from and

Sarjana RPL adalah program pendidikan jenjang sarjana berdasarkan asesmen capaian pembelajaran atas hasil belajar yang diperoleh mahasisa dari pendidikan formal sebelumnya (diploma, dll), dan/atau pengalaman kerja. Program ini memungkinkan lulusan Diploma 3 perawat (diploma keperawatan dilakukan dalam tiga tahun) lulus ujian masuk dan persyaratan untuk mengambil Sarjana Keperawatan di FIK UI. Khusus untuk program ini, seleksi masuk hanya dilakukan melalui Ujian Masuk Universitas Indonesia (“Seleksi Masuk UI/SIMAK UI”)

a. Ujian Masuk Universitas Indonesia “Seleksi Masuk UI/SIMAK UI

Since 2009, the government has allowed public universities to organize new student admission tests independently. Details and information on how to enter Universitas Indonesia can be accessed from and


The education program has undergraduate programs (regular and RPL) and professional programs (Ners). In the undergraduate program, the curriculum implemented is the 2020 Outcome-Based Curriculum (OBE). In this curriculum, a curriculum structure is made with 132 mandatory credits and 12 elective credits so that the minimum total that students pass is 144 credits.

If there are differences in the number of credits during the transition period, such as students not passing courses in the 2017 curriculum, students will still take the same courses in the 2017 curriculum. For students in 2018 and 2019 who take academic leave in the first or second semester and then will continue their studies, a review of the courses that have been taken previously will be carried out. Then, students will continue to use the 2020 curriculum.

The regular program has ways to enter through SNBTN, SNBP, Simak, and achievement pathways. While the Recognition of Past Learning (RPL) program is a recognition program for a number of credits of past learning (obtained when getting lectures at the D3 or S1 level at other institutions) with a maximum recognition of 40% of the credits that have been taken.

The process of entering prospective RPL students begins with prospective students being able to consult about the MK-MK for which the assessment process will be carried out to the RPL team, in this case the Study Program and then prospective students will send files related to the interests of SKS recognition that has been passed at the previous education level. The recognition process will be carried out by the Faculty RPL assessor team and evaluated by the Faculty RPL committee.

Nursing Learning Laboratory

Nursing laboratories are important facilities to support nursing students' clinical learning. The University of Indonesia's School of Nursing provides nursing learning laboratories that allow students to view, learn and practice nursing skills and procedures in a simulated setting. All nursing laboratories are equipped from low to high fidelity simulators and offer all clinical equipment designed for the care of adult, geriatric, pediatric, psychiatric, maternity, and newborn patients in acute, critical, or long-term care.

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