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Nursing Professional Program

Professional Nursing Science Study Program

Head of Study Program

Fajar Tri Waluyanti, S.Kp., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.An

The Nursing Profession Study Program is a type of basic professional study program that is an integral part of the Bachelor of Nursing Science Study Program where graduates of the UI Bachelor of Nursing will automatically become students of the nursing profession study program. During the nursing profession phase, students will apply their knowledge and skills in families, communities, community health centers, and/or hospitals. This study program is designed to be completed within 2 semesters with a study load of 36 credits. If students graduate from this study program, they will obtain the Ners degree.


“Making the Nursing Study Program of the Faculty of Nursing Science, University of Indonesia as a center for the development of nursing science and technology that is culturally sensitive and can compete in the national and international arena and contribute to health development in 2035.”


  1. Provide broad and fair access for the public to quality nursing education at the professional level.
  2. Organizing quality Tridharma activities that are relevant to the challenges of national and global health and nursing service development.
  3. Prepare students to become graduates who have high intellectuality, noble character and obey the Indonesian Nursing Code of Ethics so that they are able to compete nationally and globally.
  4. To create an academic climate that supports the realization of the program's vision.
  5. Improve national and global networks to achieve quality Tridharma and a good nursing image.
  6. To implement evidence-based nursing practices.,).
  7. Fostering nursing institutions and alumni in order to improve competence.
  8. To actively contribute to the achievement of Universitas Indonesia's vision of becoming an independent and excellent legal entity university capable of addressing national and global issues and challenges, aiming for excellence in Southeast Asia.


  1. Disseminating culturally sensitive nursing science and technology and striving for its application to improve public health
  2. Creating a professional nursing community that upholds the nursing code of ethics
  3. Producing quality graduates with expertise in urban nursing, enabling them to compete nationally and internationally
  4. Produce a variety of nursing research that can contribute to the development of culturally sensitive nursing science to solve urban nursing problems carried out both independently and in collaboration with domestic and foreign partners.
  5. Encouraging and supporting the active participation of the academic community in health development and community service
  6. Establishing a network of national and international collaboration to enhance the quality of the tri-dharma and improve the image of nursing in general, particularly at FoN UI.

Graduate Profile

Ners who are able to provide nursing care to clients by using knowledge and expertise in managing clients in an ethical, culturally sensitive, effective and professional manner based on mastery of science, IT and evidence based practice and able to make decisions independently in various stages of nursing care (assessment, formulation of nursing diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation).

Graduates of this program are professional nurses who are intelligent and competent in providing nursing care to clients in the range of sickness and health throughout human life in various nursing service settings. The nursing care provided is based on nursing science and various other sciences that support nursing. Graduates must be able to use the nursing process approach. As a provider of nursing care, nurses help clients improve their health independently and or in collaboration with other health teams. Health improvement is not only through physical treatment and healing, but also includes efforts to restore emotional, spiritual, and social well-being. As a provider of nursing care, nursing graduates are also expected to be able to help and assist clients and their families to set goals and achieve these goals effectively and efficiently.

Graduates of the program are prepared as leaders who are competent, flexible, and able to motivate/encourage others around them, including clients, families, and co-workers in their environment to adapt to change and achieve organizational goals effectively.

Professional nurses from graduate programs are able to become educators through knowledge transfer activities to clients, peer groups, other health teams, and other disciplines. In their role as educators, graduates are able to demonstrate role models to stimulate, motivate, teach, and receive feedback.

Professional nurses who are graduates of the program when providing health services must be able to carry out nursing management functions at the first line management level (lower managers). In addition, graduates are also able to manage nursing care for groups of nurses and/or clients.

Graduates of the nursing program are able to conduct research in the field of science to improve the quality of nursing care they provide. Nurses must be able to identify gaps between the theory of nursing care and the professional practice provided, formulate problems, and identify alternative solutions to problems. Alternative problem-solving options are obtained through literature research activities, discussions with experts, or using existing nursing research results.

Career Prospects

Anyone interested in helping others should consider obtaining a bachelor's degree in nursing. FoN prepares students to become professional nurses capable of providing nursing care, leading communities, educating people, performing nursing management functions, and conducting research. The majority of nurses work in hospitals, but some also work in private clinics, schools, care facilities, prisons, military bases, and many more. Experienced nurses are often called upon to supervise other nurses, teach nursing skills to students, handle administrative tasks, and even conduct research.
(Data on the Need for Nursing Personnel in Indonesia Source Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia)

Student Admission

The Nursing Profession Study Program is a type of basic professional study program which is an integral part of the Bachelor of Nursing study program where graduates of the UI Bachelor of Nursing will automatically become students of the nursing profession study program. Currently, those who can take part in the nursing profession study program at the University of Indonesia are limited to undergraduate nursing graduates at the University of Indonesia.

