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Prof. Dr. Mustikasari, S.Kp., MARS

Professor | Department of Mental Health Nursing

Building & Room : Education and Laboratory Building, Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Indonesia 2nd Floor
Address (office) : Education and Laboratory Building, Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Indonesia Jl. Prof Dr Bahder Djohan, Kampus UI, Depok Jawa Barat 16424
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Universitas Indonesia, Faculty of Nursing, Doctorate Nursing Program, graduated 2012
Universitas Indonesia, Faculty of Public Health, Hospital Administration Study Program, Graduated 2003
Universitas Indonesia, Faculty of Nursing, Bachelor Nursing program, Graduated 1996 (S.Kp)

Professional membership

Indonesian National Nurses Association


Dr. Mustikasari, SKp., MARS had worked as a teaching staff for Departement of Psychiatry Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, University of Indonesia since 1997. Education taken up to the Doctorate Nursing Program. The research experience has been carried out in line with doctoral education in nursing, namely the field of disasters specifically to mental nursing both individually and with students. Research published in national journals, international journals, nationals seminar and internationals seminar. Research Outcomes in the form of a module has received Intellectual Property Rights. Experience of professional organizations as the Secretary General of Central Executive Board of Indonesian National Nurses Association. Specialization in the field of science who become an expertise is disaster, especially after a disaster in the mental nursing aspect, mental health and psychiatric nursing, nursing communication, leadership and management in nursing.

Selected Grants

  • Penelitian Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi, tahun 2015, Pengembangan Inovasi Teknologi Terapan Keperawatan Bencana Berbasis Aspek Budaya Dan Spiritual Bagi Perawat Dalam Menurunkan Kejadian Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSS)
  • Penelitian Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi, tahun 2016, Pengembangan lnovasi Teknologi Terapan Keperawatan Bencana Berbasis Aspek Budaya Dan Spiritual Bagi Perawat dalam Menurunkan Kejadian Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSS)”
  • PITTA B, tahun 2019, Optimalisasi kesiapsiagaan psikologis pada masyarakat yang tinggal diwilayah rawan gempa bumi

Selected Publications

