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Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, University of Indonesia (FoN UI), Agus Setiawan said, there are at least three steps that must be understood by the community in dealing with post-floods, so that they can become nurses for themselves.

“The important thing to understand for all people in this flood situation is of course to pay attention to personal health. To take care of themselves, increase Self Awereness, that most know about our health is ourselves. Like an emergency situation on a plane, make sure we are in good condition, then we can treat other people, for example in providing oxygen assistance, “said the man with a doctorate degree on Thursday (01/02/2020).

Furthermore Agus Setiawan said, the second step is to ensure the condition of the body’s defense or immunity in the body are also well maintained. The easiest thing to do to determine the body’s reduced resistance is to observe changes in the body.

“In flood conditions we are infected quickly because the movement of germs also passes through water. It could also be due to weather changes. Of course our immunity must still be considered by maintaining nutritional needs. It’s difficult in such conditions. Even if the nutrient intake is lacking, water requirements should not be reduced. The third step is to immediately recognize and observe changes that occur in our body, such as temperature, heart rate and others, “concluded the young Dean.

It is known, the impact of the floods that inundated parts of Jakarta and surrounding areas since Wednesday morning caused thousands of residents to be evacuated. The total number of refugees affected by flooding in parts of Jakarta has reached more than 19 thousand people.

The Governor of DKI Jakarta Province Anies Baswedan said that the most flood-affected refugee camps were located in East Jakarta. Although there will be a health post later, of course, becoming a nurse for yourself becomes something that must be sought.