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Prof. Dr. Budi Anna Keliat, S.Kp., M.App.Sc

Professor | Department of Mental Health Nursing

Building & Room : Gedung Laboratorium Pascasarjana Lantai 2, Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia
Address (office) : Jl. Prof. Dr. Bahder Djohan, Kampus UI Depok
Email :


2003: Doctor of Public Health, Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia
1990: Master Applied Science , University of Sydney
1988: Bachelor of Nursing, Nursing Program, Faculty of Medicine
1974: Academic of Nursing (Diploma), Akademi Keperawatan Departemen Kesehatan

Professional membership

Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia (Dewan Pakar)
Ikatan Persatuan Kesehatan Jiwa Indonesia (Anggota)


I am working as professor of mental health nursing at faculty of nursing Universitas Indonesia, at Jakarta since 1990 till now. As a lecture, I must do teaching, research and community service. I do teach bachelor, master, specialist of mental health nursing and doctorate student. Also, doing research at least 1 or 2 every year, and the result should be published at journal. As well as community service. For community service, I have professional practice as mental health nurse. Indonesia is a place of disaster, so we always go to the place of disaster to do mental health and psychosocial support. Since tsunami in Aceh, we develop community mental health nursing in Aceh and now replicate to all province in Indonesia. Based on this work, I got award from Swiss Foundation Collaboration with WHO Geneva as The laureate of the Award 2015 for an “Outstanding Achievement in field of Mental Health Care” Offered by the Swiss Foundation for World Health in collaboration with the World Health Organization. During pandemic COVID-19, we conduct training for volunteers about Mental Health and Psycho Social Support related Covid-19 by online, for free, all over Indonesia (more than 9.000 from 34 provinces, since March till now).

Selected Grants

  • Hibah Kemenristek Penelitian Disertasi Doktor tahun 2020, Efektivitas Model Promotif dan Preventif Keperawatan Jiwa Terhadap Kesehatan Jiwa Remaja, Principal Investigator
  • PENGMAS Peduli Banjir tahun 2020, Peduli Banjir Jabodetabek (Desa Harkatjaya dan Urug, Kec. Sukajaya, Kab. Bogor), Principal Investigator
  • PENGMAS Peduli Banjir tahun 2020, Peduli Banjir Jabodetabek (Kel. Semanan, Kec. Kalideres, Jakarta Barat), Principal Investigator.
  • PENGMAS Peduli Banjir tahun 2020, Peduli Banjir Jabodetabek (Jakarta Timur), Principal Investigator.
  • PENGMAS Peduli Banjir tahun 2020, Peduli Banjir Jabodetabek (Kab. Lebak, Banten), Principal Investigator.
  • Pengmas Penugasan Covid-19 Tahun 2020, Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dalam Melawan Pandemi COVID-19 dengan Meningkatkan Imunitas Fisik, Kesehatan Jiwa dan Psikososial, Principal Investigator.
  • PUTI Saintekes Tahun 2020, Pengembangan model pencegahan bunuh diri berbasis aplikasi digital pada remaja awal dalam konteks keluarga
  • PUTI Saintekes Tahun 2020, Pengembangan model peningkatan kesehatan jiwa dalam penuaan bagi lansia depresi di DKI Jakarta, Principal Investigator.
  • PUTI Saintekes Tahun 2020, Pengaruh acceptance comitment therapy dan family pschoeducation therapy terhadap kekambuhan klien risiko perilaku kekerasan dan halusinasi dengan pemanfaatan media social, Principal Investigator.
  • PUTI Saintekes Tahun 2020, Pengaruh terapi penerimaan komitmen (ACT) dan psikoedukasi keluarga terhadap ansietas dan citra tubuh klien ulkus diabetic, Principal Investigator.
  • PUTI PROCEEDING TAHUN 2020, Stimulasi perkembangan dan pola asuh nutrisi terhadap peningkatan perkembangan kanak-kanak stunting, Principal Investigator.
  • PUTI PROCEEDING TAHUN 2020, Stimulasi perkembangan (terapi kelompok terapeutik bayi) dan pendidikan kesehatan tentang stunting, pola asuh, nutrisi, depresi ibu dalam mencegah faktor risiko stunting pada bayi. Principal Investigator.
  • PUTI K1 (2Q2) Tahun 2020, Ekplorasi peran kader kesehatan dalam pelayanan kesehatan jiwa masyarakat di Indonesia: Kondisi saat ini dan penentuan arah masa depan.
  • PUTI Penugasan Covid Tahun 2020. Masalah Kesehatan Jiwa – Psikososial Dan Asuhan Keperawatan Pada Pandemi Covid-19 di Indonesia. Principal Investigator.

Selected Publications

