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WHO CC and FoN UI Collaboration: Towards Strengthening Indonesia's Role in Global Nursing

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28 February 2025

Depok, 27 February 2025 - The Faculty of Nursing, University of Indonesia (FoN UI) held a meeting with representatives of the WHO Collaborating Centre (WHO CC) University of Hyogo at RIK A Building 212 UI. The meeting was attended by Prof. Sonoe Mashino from WHO CC University of Hyogo, Dean of FIK UI Prof. Dr. Rr. Tutik Sri Hariyati, Vice Dean for Division II Dr Masfuri, and also attended by members of the research team and the establishment of WHO CC at FIK UI, namely Prof. Achir Yani S. Hamid, Ns. Suryane Sulistiana Susanti, Ph.D, and Prof. Herni Susanti.

In this meeting, the strategic plan that can be done to realise the construction of the WHO CC Centre at FIK UI was discussed. Indonesia is currently in the WHO South East Asia Regional Office (WHO SEARO) region and will be in the process of moving to the WHO West Pacific Regional Office (WPRO). The challenge of regional differences is not an obstacle to establishing continued cooperation between FIK UI (WHO SEARO member) and the University of Hyogo (WHO WPRO member).

In addition to cooperation in the establishment of WHO CC, currently, opportunities for cooperation and sustainability between FIK UI and the University of Hyogo are still widely established until 2027. The sustainability of cooperation is also discussed to cooperation opportunities that increase the capacity of both lecturers and students of FIK UI, among others: student and lecturer exchanges, to increase the number of visiting scholar professors both at FIK UI and the University of Hyogo. In line with this, the Dean of FIK UI, Prof. Dr. Roro Sri Tuti Hariyati, S.Kp., M.A.R.S explained her hope for the existence of a double degree programme for FIK UI students to improve the quality of nursing education in Indonesia.

In addition to the academic field, Prof Herni Susanti also explained her hope for a more massive collaborative research between FIK UI and the University of Hyogo. ‘The research that has been conducted between WHO SEARO, University of Hyogo and FIK UI can be an initial foundation that is expected to convince WHO to form a research collaboration centre at FIK UI,’ said Prof. Herni Susanti.

Prof. Sonoe Mashino also agreed, considering that Indonesia is a country with a very large population and with geographical areas both sea and land. ‘The establishment of WHO CC at FIK UI will be very good, considering that collaboration between WHO and universities in Indonesia is needed,’ explained Prof. Sonoe.

Prof Achir Yani S. Hamid added that collaboration in research and education can enrich academic experience and strengthen the competence of Indonesian nursing personnel in the international arena.

On this occasion, the potential development of WHO CC at FIK UI was also discussed, which not only focuses on nursing, but also includes other fields relevant to human life. This strengthening is expected to increase the role of nurses in various aspects of life, both in promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative efforts.

With a strong commitment, FIK UI is optimistic that Indonesia can become a centre for greater WHO CC collaboration and have a global impact in the world of nursing.

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