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FoN UI's Glorious Achievement in N-MANSION 2024

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2 January 2025

The Faculty of Nursing of the University of Indonesia (FoN UI) made another brilliant achievement at the National Master of Nursing Competition (N-MANSION) 2024, an annual competition organized by the Master of Nursing Study Program at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) and the UGM Nursing Graduate Student Association. The activity, which began on September 30, 2024 and ended at its peak on November 22, 2024, was held online through the Zoom platform, with the main theme “Integration of Health Services and Education for Improving Good Health and Well-Being (the 3rd SDG's).”

The N-MANSION 2024 competition covers a wide range of race categories, including literature review, essay, poster, photography, and TikTok health competition. The culmination of this activity was attended by the organizers, judges, and participants, starting with an activity report by the Chief Executive of N-MANSION 2024, Arvia, S.Kep., Ns., and remarks from the Chairperson of the UGM Graduate Nursing Student Association, Afrianti Pakalessy, S.Kep., and Chair of the UGM Postgraduate Nursing Study Program, Ns. Sri Hartini, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kes., Ph.D.

Ns. Riven Karundeng, S.Kep. (Batch 2023, Oncology Nursing Specialization) won 1st place in the national poster competition category. The poster titled “Prevent HPV-Induced Cancer with KANVAS (Recognize, Vaccinate, Screen)” This is an important topic on cancer prevention due to the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). This work emphasizes three main preventive measures: recognize HPV, get vaccinated, and get screened regularly.

“This innovation is here to educate the public about the importance of vaccination as a preventive measure, as well as the need for screening for early detection of cell changes that can become cancer,” said Riven. This poster won 1st place after going through a rigorous assessment process by the jury and the percentage of likes on Instagram, successfully competing with 14 participants from various nursing institutions in Indonesia.

The photography work of Ns. I Made Dyanta Anwar, S.Kep. (Batch 2024, Community Nursing Specialization) entitled “Efforts to Create Heaven” won the 1st place in the National Photography category. This photo illustrates the gaps in the application of Good Health and Well-Being in the Disadvantaged, Frontier, and Outermost region. By depicting the spirit of children who continue to learn despite limitations, this work highlights the importance of equal access to health and education.

“Hopefully this work can inspire more parties to support efforts to create equal access in areas in need,” Dyanta said.

Ns. Reztika Cahyani, S.Kep. (Batch 2024, Community Nursing Specialization) also made an achievement by winning 2nd place in the national essay competition category. Her essay was titled “HEBAT (Health Bot Trusted Assistant): Artificial Intelligence-Based Solutive Innovation for Healthy Lifestyle Promotion”. This work introduces HEBAT (Health Bot Trusted Asistant), a virtual assistant based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) designed to promote a healthy lifestyle.

HEBAT has interactive features such as daily plans, lifestyle evaluations, health information, and evidence-based recommendations. With technology Natural Language Processing (NLP), HEBAT provides easy and personalized access to support healthy behavior change, including physical activity, diet, stress management, and quality sleep.“As an innovative solution in health promotion, HEBAT has great potential to effectively improve people's lifestyles,” Reztika said.

The achievements made by FoN UI students are proof of their commitment in supporting the improvement of public health through innovation and creativity. Hopefully this achievement will continue to motivate the young generation of nursing to contribute even more to the world of health.

Article Author: Riven Karundeng & Heru Nurinto

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