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SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Support of Arts and Heritage

  ▸ Public access to buildings

  ▸ Public access to libraries

  ▸ Public access to museums

  ▸ Public access to green spaces

  ▸ Arts and heritage contribution

  ▸ Record and preserve cultural heritage

Sustainable Practices

  ▸ Sustainable practices targets

To promote sustainable commuting, FoN UI intensively promotes the use of UI buses or other public transportations, vehicle sharing, bicycling, or walking to the faculty area. To support this, the faculty provides free bicycles for students and staff to use around the campus. Also, there are university yellow buses that stop at the FoN UI shuttle bus to commute around the university. FIK UI also limits the number of private motor vehicles entering the faculty area by only allowing vehicles belongs to residents and guests of FoN UI to enter the building area.

Parking Restrictions: Parking are only for FIK UI students, staff, & guestsPoster promoting to use bus and public transport & sharing vehicles

  ▸ Allow remote working

  ▸ Affordable housing for employees

  ▸ Affordable housing for students

Faculty of Nursing is very supportive of pedestrians. This can be seen from the presence of pedestrian paths around the building which fulfills the aspects of safety, comfort, and is friendly for people with disabilities. Faculty of Nursing also promotes stair climbing, by placing posters and banners in several areas such as wall boards, elevators, and stairs. Furthermore, Faculty of Nursing also has a policy regarding support for pedestrians. The policy is stated in the Decree of Dean FoN UI number 5670/UN2.F12.D/HKP.02.04/2018 concerning the Policy of Go Green Implementation in Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia point j.

Supporting Evidence: Dean’s Decree No. 5670


Sidewalk for pedestrians in front of the buildingPromoting to use stairs at FIKPathway for people with special needs


  ▸ Local authority collaboration regarding planning and development

  ▸ Planning development – new build standards

  ▸ Building on brownfield sites

SDG 11 in Numbers

Expenditure on Arts and Heritage

Faculty Expenditure


Faculty Expenditure on Arts and Heritage
