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Prof. Junaiti Sahar, BN, M.App.Sc, Ph.D

Professor | Department of Community Nursing

Building & Room :Education and Nursing Lab Building, 2nd Floor, Room 202
Address (office) : Faculty of Nursing, Jalan Prof.Dr.Bahder Djohan, Universitas Indonesia Depok Campus, West Java
Email : or


1. Queensland University of Technology, Australia, Doctorate level (S3), 2003, Nursing
2. Sydney University, Australia, Master level (S2), 1992, Community Health Nursing
3. Universitas Indonesia, BN (S1), 1989, Nursing.
4. College of Public Administration (STIA-LAN RI) Jakarta, B.Adm (S1), 1987, Public Administration.

Professional membership

Indonesian Nasional Nurses Association (INNA) membership no: 31730001923


1. Education: Teaching in gerontic nursing course, family health nursing course, and community health nursing course

2. Research scope: Empowering older people, family and community; early detection and intervention of older people, family resilience, continuity of care, Caring for older people in non communicable diseases.

3. Community Empowerment scope: Nursing care older people with diabetic, hypertension, Psychosocial problem of older people as impact of cover-19, Training of family or health cadre in caring for older people, etc

Selected Grants

  • PUTI Doctor 2020, The effectiveness of the interactive education-based filter nursing intervention model for the prevention of relapse of drug abuse in recipient institutions for drug reporting in Palembang, Principal Investigator
  • PUTI Doctor 2020, The effectiveness of the android-based dementia care family nursing model (KEDUSIA-RSM) for controlling dementia risk factors in the elderly in DKI Jakarta, Principal Investigator
  • PDUPT 2019 – 2020, the development of a nursing model for elderly families with respect to handling non-communicable disease (PTM) problems in families, Co-Investigator
  • IbM 2020, Empowering the Elderly with Psychosocial Problems as the Impact of Covid-19, Android-based as an Effort to reduce Stress, Anxiety and Depression in the Elderly in Depok City, Principal Investigator
  • Research for Young Educators 2019, Experiences of nurses in carrying out interprofessional collaboration through the application of the MiRaDaSia nursing model in Jakarta regional government institutions, Co-Investigator
  • PITTA B 2019, empowering nurses and caregivers in the care of elderly with dementia in institutions and communities, Principal Investigator
  • PITTA B 2019, empowering nurses and caregivers in the care of elderly with dementia in institutions and communities, Principal Investigator
  • IbM 2019, Efforts to control tuberculosis infection in the elderly at the Tresna Werdha Budi Mulia 1 Social Home, Jakarta, Co-Investigator
  • PDUPT 2017 – 2018, Development of a partnership model for nurses, caregivers and the elderly to improve the behavior and burden of nurses, health status, satisfaction, and quality of life of the elderly at the Nursing Home, Jakarta, Principal Investigator
  • PITTA 2018, Empowering nurses in an effort to prevent deterioration of health to improve the quality of life of the elderly, Principal Investigator

Selected Publications

  • Sahar,J., Kiik, S.M., Wiarsih, W., & Rachmawati, U. (2020). Coronavirus disease-19: public health nurse’knowledge, attitude, practices, and perceived barriers in Indonesia, Journal of Medical Sciences,Vol 2 No 1, pp422-428.
  • Rasyid, A., Sahar, J., & Widyatuti. (2020).Diabetes foot exercises using tenis balls to reduce elderly blood sugar diabetes,International Journal of Nursing and Health Services,Vol.3, No 5, pp: 632-637
  • Kiik, S.M., Sahar, J., & Permatasari, H.(2020).Effectiveness of balance exercise among older adults in Depok City Indonesia, Enfermeria Clinica, Vol.30, No 4, pp: 282-286
  • Bahtiar & Sahar, J. (2020). The aplication of music therapy in overcoming the problem of moderate depression in older people and families in Depok City, Indonesian Journal of Health Sciences,Vol.5, No 2, pp.94-102
  • Santoso, B., Sahar,J. & Setiawan, A. (2020). Relapse in drug abuse: A Concept analysis, Infermeria Clinica, Vol. 30, No 53, pp:118-121
  • Bahtiar and Sahar, J. (2020).Meaning of life among elderly individuals with chronic diseases living with family: A qualitative study,Journal of Health Research,Vol. 24, No. 1.
  • Maryam, R.S., Sahar, J., Pudjiati, Prayetni., Ekasari, M.F., Rosidawati & Nurhasanah, A. (2019).Self Help Group Activity in Improving knowledge on elderly with hypertension in Jakarta, Indonesia, Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development,Vol. 10, No. 12.
  • Riasmini, N.M., Sahar, J. & Maryam, R.S.( 2019). Independent Family Group Model Improving Health Status and Quality of Life of Elderly in the Community, Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development,Vol. 10, No. 12.
  • Kumboyono, K., Hamid, A.Y., Sahar, J., & Bardosono, S. (2019). Community response to the initiation of smoking in Indonesian early adolescents: a qualitative study, International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, ISSN: 0267-3843 (Print) 2164-4527
  • Hamid, A., Sahar, J., & Nurviyandari, D. (2017). Walking and talking activities as nursing therapy for improving quality of life among older adluts, Journal of Enfermeria Clinica, part 1, Vol.27, pp.61-65

