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Dr. Widyatuti, M.Kes., Sp. Kom.

Professor Department of Community Nursing

Building & Room : 7th Floor, Building E, Health and Sciences Building/ RIK, Community Health Nursing Department Room
Address (office) : Jl. Prof. Dr. Bahder Djohan, Kampus UI Depok, 16424
Email : &


Universitas Indonesia, Doctoral, 2019, School Health Nursing
Universitas Indonesia, Specialist in Nursing, 2003, School Health Nursing
Universitas Indonesia, Master in Nursing, 2003, Community Health Nursing
Universitas Indonesia, Bachelor in Nursing, 1994

Professional membership

Indonesian Nurses Association (Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia/PPNI)
Indonesian Community Health Nurse Association (Ikatan Perawat Kesehatan Komunitas Indonesia/IPKKI)


My expertise area covers school health nursing and community nursing, complementary nursing and health promotion. In lecturing, I joined for several courses for bachelor and master degree. They are family and community health nursing course, community advanced nursing, family advanced nursing, complementary health nursing and health promotion.

My area for research covered school health nursing at family, school and community setting. While for community services, I implemented my research result to be conducted as student healthy phisic and mental health in the school, family and community, and community empowerment for health.
Selected Grants

  • “PUTI Saintekes 2020”, The effectiveness of daily exercise on BMI and Blood Pressure of Elementary School Students
  • “PUTI Saintekes 2020”, The Effect of Video Game-Based Education on Adolescent Smoking Knowledge and Perceptions
  • “PRAKTIK PPM DI LAPANGAN TAHUN 2020”, Utilization of SADARI comics as an effort to detect breast cancer for young women at SMA N 112 Jakarta
  • “YBM PLN 2020”, Practice of ners students and community nusing specialist: Empowered, Healthy and Independent Society in the Pandemic Era
  • “YBM PLN 2020”, DEVELOPMENT OF UMKM (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises)

Selected Publications

  • The effects of positive interactive education on adolescent perception and attitudes towards smoking behaviour.E Wisanti, S Mulyono, W Widyatuti, L Kusumawardani – Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, Vol 49. No. 2. 2020
  • Relationship Follows Trends and Smoker’s Families with Perceptions of Smoking in Primary School Age Children in Karawang, Indonesia. Desy Rizki Ariani, Sigit Mulyono, Widyatuti. KnE. Life Sciences. 2019. Prosiding
  • Traditional Music Therapy to Decrease Pain Perception on Elderly in Jakarta Elderly Social Institution. Anisa Fitri Marsyia & Widyatuti.UI Proceeding on Health and Medicine Vol. 4. proceeding.
  • Risk Factors for the Initiation of Smoking Behavior in Primary School Age Children in Karawang, Indonesia. Desy Rizky Ariani, Sigit Mulyono, Widyatuti. Journal Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing.Volume 42, 2019 – Issue sup1: Universitas Indonesia’s 2nd International Nursing Scholars Congress (INSC 2018)
  • Correlation between parent-adolescent communication and adolescents’ premarital sex risk. Widyatuti, Citra Hafilah Shabrina and Astuti Yuni Nursasi. Enfermería Clínica. Volume 28, Supplement 1 Part 2, February–June 2018, Pages 332-336.
  • The Influence of Health Training on Teachers and Students’ Knowledge of Adolescent Reproductive Health at One of Junior High School in Indonesia. Widyatuti, Fajar Tri Waluyanti, Budi Mulyadi, and Astuti Yuni Nursasi. Enfermería Clínica. Volume 28, Supplement 1 Part 2, February–June 2018, Pages 332-336.
  • Buku Panduan: Intervensi Keperawatan Pijat Kaki dengan minyak pijat lavender dan musik tradisional Rindik untuk lansia dengan Hepertensi. HAKI. Ni Luh Putu Dian Yunita Sari, Etty Rekawati,,Dwi Nurvyandari, Widyatuti 2020
  • Buku saku kader kesehatan sebaya (peer health educator): Gerakan masyarakat sehat untuk mahasiswa. 2019. Kuntarti, Hening Pujasari, Widyatuti, Ice Yulia Wardani, Ika Malika, Erza Nur Syiva, Cintia Fajri Utami
  • Correlations Frequency of Exercise with Blood Sugar Levels of Members of the Hatha Yoga Club. Adinda Muji Lastari, Widyatuti. Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan Jiwa. Vol 3. No 2. 2020. sinta 4
  • Stres dan gejala dispepsiafungsional pada remaja. Jurnal Keperawatan Jiwa Volume 7 No 2 Hal 203 – 214, Agustus 2019. FIKKes Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang bekerjasama dengan PPNI Jawa Tengah. (sinta 4)

