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Prof. Achir Yani S. Hamid, M.N, DNSc

Professor | Department of Mental Health – Psychiatric Nursing


Building & Room : Room 210, Post-Graduate Building
Address (office) : Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, West Java, Indonesia
Email : &


1. The Catholic University of America, School of Nursing, Washington, DC, USA, Doctor of
Nursing Science (D.N.Sc), 1993, Mental Health-Psychiatric Nursing.
2. The University of the Philippines – College of Nursing, Quezon City, Philippines,
Master of Nursing Science (MN), 1983, Mental Health-Psychiatric Nursing.
3. Diploma III – Academy of Nursing, MOH, Jakarta (1976), and converted to BN by
University of the Philippines in 1981, General Nursing.

Professional membership

Head of Advisory/Expertise Board of Mental Health-Psychiatric Nurses Association
Advisory Board of Association of Institutions of Nursing Education
Chair of Indonesia Collegium Board for Nursing Specialists
Chair of Collegium Board for Mental Health-Psychiatric Nursing Specialist


My expertise is in mental health-psychiatric nursing, particularly family with a special needs; Disaster nursing management; nursing leadership and nursing/health policy; Nursing workforce and nurse migration. I have been actively involved in preparing nurses and responding during disaster situation since 2004. The research team I led has produced the nursing practice standard: disaster risk reduction management, in 2018. It is continued by development of training model and modules to prepare nurses with the required competences in disaster nursing. In 2015, I was granted by MoE as the visiting professor for DNGL (Disaster Nursing Global Leader) Doctoral Program of 5 universities in Japan. Policy based research concerning the nurse migration is still on-going.
Selected Grants

Selected Publications

