Building & Room : Gedung Pasca Sarjana FIKUI Depok
Address (office) : Program Studi Doktor Keperawatan FIKUI, Kampus UI Depok, Jawa Barat
Email : wati123@ui.ac.id
Akper Depkes Jakarta, 1971-1974 (Diploma in Nursing)
Institute of orthoptisten Utrecht, The Netherland, 1980-1983 D.B.O (Bachelor in Orthoptist)
Institute of Administration Science Jakarta, 1986-1988 (Bachelor of Administration)
S1 Nursing Program, Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia, 1987-1989 (Bachelor of Nursing)
Faculty of Health Science, University of Sydney Australia, 1989-1991 (Master of Applied Science in Nursing)
Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery, Health. University of Technology Sydney Australia, 2000-2003 (Doctor of Philosophy in nursing)
Professional membership
Kolegium Keperawatan Maternitas
Pengajaran: Keperawatan Maternitas, Manajemen dan Kepemimpinan Keperawatan dan Riset Kualitatif dalam Keperawatan.
(1) Pengembangan PDA(Pain Digital Acupressure) untuk menurunkan nyeri bersalin,
(2) Pengembangan intervensi keperawatan ibu post partum berbasis budaya,
(3) Model pengelolaan budaya keselamatan pasien,
(4) Nutrisi ibu hamil,
(5) DMO untuk peningkatan ASI ibu post partum yg bekerja, dll
Pengabdian Masyarakat:
(1) Pemberdayaan kader untuk pencegahan penularan covid 19 ibu hamil, bersalin dan menyusui dengan aplikasi interaktif.
(2) Pengembangan model Program pelayanan Lansia terintegrasi di Cisalak.
(3) Peningkatan Nakes pada pencegahan HIV Aids di lingkungan ibu rumah Tangga, dll
Selected Grants
- DIKTI 2012-2014 Principal investigator The development of ‘ PDA’ to reduce the labor pain
- PITTA UI 2018 Principle investigator Pengaruh paket Mentari dalam fungsi seksual pada perempuan menopause
- Hibah Doctor UI 2018 Principle investigator Model pencegahan Burn out pada perawat pelaksana dan efektifitasnya pada kinerja perawat di rumah sakit
- Hibah Doctor UI 2019 Principle investigator Pengaruh model pendidikan kesehatan interaktif berbasis aplikasi Djuwita terhadap pengetahuan dan perilaku remaja putri pada kesehatan reproduksinya
- DIKTI 2019 Principle investigator Pengembangan model budaya kerja positif keselamatan pasien (positif patient safety culture) “IDA” dan pengaruhnya terhadap pelaksanaan patient safety di rumah sakit
- Hibah Doctor UI 2019 Principle investigator Pengembangan model intervensi keperawatan berbasis budaya dengan
PMB-NIR dan efektifitasnya terhadap adaptasi fisik dan psikososial ibu post partum
- Hibah Doctor UI 2019 Principle investigator Pengembangan model intervensi berbasis budaya (IBB) melalui
pemberdayaan keluarga dan pengaruhnya terhadap kecukupan ASI ibu post SC
- Hibah Doctor UI 2019 Principle investigator Pengembangan si Rappi (sistem informasi remunerasi Adil dan
proporsional untuk perawat Indonesia) 9. PITTA UI 2019 Principle investigator Kinerja Perawat dalam Pemberian Penkes Pencegahan Kanker dan Mengatasi Masalah Pasca Kemoterapi di Pelayanan Kesehatan Reproduksi
- PKBI dan UI 2014-2015 Periset utama Empowerement of the health providers by involving the families in the prevention program of HIV-AIDSamong housewives in Indonesia
- KAKENHI- Japan 2015 Research team Cross-cultural adaptation among foreign nurses in Japan
- DIKTI 2016 Research team The development of information system for nurse competencies and quality and its effectiveness to nursing services in the hospital
- DIKTI 2015-2017 Research team Pengembangan Sistem Kompetensi dan Mutu Keperawatan serta Efektivitasnya terhadap Pelayanan Keperawatan di RS Pendidikan Universitas Indonesia
- PITTA UI 2018 Principle investigator Pengembangan intervensi keperawatan pada kesehatan sistem reproduksi
remaja putri di Indonesia
- Hibah Doctor UI 2018 Principle investigator Pengembangan model lingkungan kerja Perawat berbasis Caring dalam pencegahan Burnout pada perawat pelaksana dirumah sakit
- Hibah Doctor UI 2018 Principle investigator Maternal Blues Suryani (MBS) Scale pada periode antepartum melalui
bonding attachment dalam memprediksi postpartum blues
- PITTA UI 2018 Principle investigator Persiapan remaja putri menghadapi Menarche
- PITTA UI 2018 Principle investigator Pengaruh budaya pada pemberian ASI eksklusif pada ibu post operasi seksio
Selected Publications
- Development and Validation of the Maternal Blues Scale Through Bonding Attachments in Predicting Postpartum Blues. Malays Fam Physician. 2021;16(1).
- Finally, I get to a climax’: the experiences of sexual relationships after a psychosexual intervention for Indonesian cervical cancer survivors and the husbands,Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 2020, Vol 38 No 3 February
- Improving Female Adolescents’ Knowledge, Emotional Response, and Attitude toward Menarche following Implementation of Menarcheal Preparation Reproductive Health Education, Asian/ Pacific Island Nursing Journal, 2019, Vol 4 No 2
- The influence culture and maternal care on exclusive breastfeeding practice in post caesarean section mothers; Enfermería Clínica, 2019 (Suppl)
- Female Adolescents’ Preparations, Knowledge, and Emotional Response toward Menarche: A Preliminary Study;Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing , 2019, Vol 42 S June
- The influence of culture and maternal care on exclusive breastfeeding practice in post caesarean section mothers, Enfermería Clínica, 2019 (Suppl), ISSN 1130-8621
- Women’s efforts to solve postpartum problems based on the culture of South Sumatera, Enfermería Clínica, 2019 (Suppl)
- Prevalence of burnout syndrome among nurses in general hospitals in provincial East Java: Cross-sectional study; Enfermería Clínica, 2019 (Suppl)
- Factors that influence the implementation of patient’s safety culture by ward nurses in district general hospital; Enfermería Clínica, 2019 (Suppl)
- Social and cultural issues of Indonesia migrant nurses in Japan,The Malaysian Journal of Nursing,Vol 10 No 1 July