Building & Room : University of Indonesia Health Sciences Clump, 7th floor, Psychiatric Nursing Department Room
Address (office) : Health Sciences Clump (RIK), Univercity of Indonesia, Pondok Cina, Beji District, Depok City, West Java 16424
Email : riautamip71@gmail.com
– University of Indonesia, Bachelor, (1990-1995), Nursing Science Study Program
– University of Indonesia, Postgraduate, (2002-2004), Nursing Leadership and Management
Professional membership
Indonesian National Nurses Association; Indonesian Mental Health Nurses Association
My name is Ria Utami Panjaitan and I am a lecturer at the Faculty of Nursing, University of Indonesia, specifically in the Psychiatric Nursing Department since 1997 until now. I am actively giving lectures in class and guiding students who are practicing in mental hospitals since 1997 until now. Another activity that I do as a lecturer is conducting research and community service, especially related to the area of mental health and nursing. In addition, I also studied leadership and nursing management at the master’s level so that I also used this knowledge in teaching ang guiding students. I really enjoy my job as a lecturer because I feel satisfied and happy if I can share my knowledge and experiences with students.
Selected Grants
- “PUTI proceding 2020”, Nurses’ perception about posttraumatic growth (PTG) after natural disasters, co author.
- “PITTA Q3 2020”, The effects of thought stopping on anxiety levels in adolescents living in earthquake-prone areas, co author.
- “PITTA Q3 2020”, Factors that affect the psychological preparedness of the elderly in earthquake prone areas, co author.
- “PUTI proceding 2022”, Relationship between self-stigma and self-harm among adolescent in rehabilitation units, co author.
- “PUTI Q4 2022”, The influence of health education and group therapy on adolescent online gamers’ self-concepts, co author.
Selected Publications
- Wijoyo, E. B., Susanti, H., Panjaitan, R. U., Putri, A. F. (2020). Nurses’ perception about posttraumatic growth (PTG) after natural disasters. BMC Proceding 2020. 14 (Suppl 13):19. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12919-02000199-9/
- Nurmagandi, B., Hamid, A., Y., S., Panjaitan, R., U. (2022). The influence of health education and group therapy on adolescent online gamers’ self-concepts. European Journal of Mental Health. 17 (1), 37-46. https://doi.org/10.5708/EJMH/17.2022.1.4
- Mutianingsih, Mustikasari, Panjaitan, R. U. (2020). Relationship between psychological preparedness and anxiety among elderly in earthquake prone areas. Enfermeria Clinica. 2020;30(53):45-48. Elsevier. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.enfcli.2019.12.024
- Hardayati, Y., A., Mustikasari, Panjaitan, R., U. (2020). Thought stopping as a strategy for controlling adolescent negative thought related to earthquakes. Enfermeria Clinica. 2020;30(53)75-79. Elsevier. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.enfcli.2019.12.030