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The first case of Covid 19 in Indonesia was detected on March 2, 2020. On March 12, 2020, the World Health Organization or WHO determined that Covid-19 was a global pandemic. Various efforts have been made by the government to reduce the rate of transmission of Covid-19, one of which is health promotion related to washing hands, wearing masks, and maintaining a distance which is shortened to 3M. All Indonesian people of various ages and backgrounds need to do 3M to protect from the transmission of Covid-19.

Children are also affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. As of October 21, 2020, there were 37,218 cases of Covid-19 in Indonesian children (Pandemic Talks, 2020). The prevalence of COVID-19 cases continues to increase. Children need to be given learning and understanding regarding the importance of washing hands, wearing masks, and maintaining distance as an effort to prevent the transmission of Covid-19.

Nursing First Aid (NuFA) Faculty of Nursing, University of Indonesia through the UI Mengajar community service program carried out the activity “Interactive Learning about the 3M Health Protocol (Washing Hands, Keeping Distance and Wearing Masks) as a Covid-19 Prevention Measure at the UI Learning House”. This activity is an action by UI Mengajar from the Faculty of Nursing which is funded by the Directorate of Community Service and Empowerment, University of Indonesia (DPPM UI).

The activity with the theme “Interactive Learning about 3M Health Protocols (Washing hands, Maintaining Distance and Wearing Masks) as a Covid-19 Prevention Measure at BEM UI Learning House” was chaired by Dessie Wanda, S.Kp., MN, Ph.D and assisted by a team consisting of Dr. Tuti Nuraini, S.Kp., M.Biomed with members of the Nursing First Aid (NuFA) Faculty of Nursing, University of Indonesia 2020. The activity was held for three days on Sunday, October 25, November 1, and November 8, 2020.

The activity was carried out online through the ZOOM platform and was attended by 24 children from BEM UI Learning House with a range of grade 1 elementary school to grade 6 elementary school. The activity was also attended by the person in charge of the 2020 BEM UI Learning House. On the first day, material related to the Covid-19 disease and how to prevent it was carried out by washing hands, maintaining distance and wearing masks which was delivered by Ns Raudha Ilmi Farid, S.Kep. On the second and third days, interactive learning was carried out with practical methods in small groups to convey 6 steps of washing hands properly and using the right mask when doing activities outside the home. The activity always begins with a pretest and ends with a post-test session. Each group consists of 2 facilitators and 4 children. The children actively share their daily stories of doing 3M. It can be seen from the results of the pretest-posttest, there is an increase in knowledge related to 3M behavior, especially the behavior of wearing masks.

Children are also part of the community that has also been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. With the high number of Covid 19 in children in Indonesia, it is necessary to give children an understanding of the reasons for doing 3M in a disciplined manner. It should also be noted the role and support of parents at home to implement 3M in new normal conditions. It is hoped that with the provision of 3M materials, children can also apply handwashing behavior which includes sustainable clean and healthy behavior.