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Study Program

Doctor of Nursing Science Study Program

The Doctoral Program in Nursing Science was officially established in 2008, according to the Decree of the Rector of Universitas Indonesia No. 683/SK/R/UI/2008 dated June 25, 2008. Prospective students for the Doctoral Program in Nursing Science must have a Master's degree in Nursing Science or Health Science, with a maximum of two semesters of matriculation before entering the doctoral program, taking 6-12 credits per semester in accordance with Rector Regulation No. 016 of 2016 regarding the Implementation of Doctoral Programs at Universitas Indonesia. The Doctoral Program in Nursing Science at FoN UI is the first nursing doctoral program in Indonesia. The distinctive feature of the Doctoral Program in Nursing Science at FoN UI includes foundational, clinical, and community nursing sciences, with a focus on urban nursing. Supporting disciplines include basic nursing, medical-surgical nursing, maternity nursing, mental health nursing, community nursing, pediatric nursing, oncology nursing, and geriatric nursing. All of these areas can be utilized as research topics in completing the studies in the Doctoral Program in Nursing Science.

Doctoral Program in Nursing Science

Health services for the community are part of the government's strategic programs, supported by healthcare teams from various health disciplines, including nursing science. Nursing professionals who provide health services at different levels of the healthcare system are at the forefront, holding a crucial position to contribute optimally according to their expertise, both domestically and internationally.

The Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Indonesia (FoN-UI), as the first and oldest nursing education institution in Indonesia, feels a sense of responsibility to improve health services in the country through the development of human resources, nursing science, and technology. Since 1999, FoN UI has been able to develop a master's program in nursing science with various specializations, and in 2008, it established the Doctoral Program in Nursing Science, which has also received an accreditation rating of A. Additionally, FoN-UI has significant opportunities to accommodate the aspirations of master's degree nurses who wish to pursue further education at the doctoral level, both on the UI campus and through distance education programs for those separated by geographical distance and various other considerations. 

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“The Nursing Doctoral Education Program produces graduates who have the ability to develop adaptive and culturally sensitive nursing science and technology through innovative leadership for national and international health development in 2035.”


  1. Implement student-centered learning that integrates adaptive and culturally sensitive nursing theory through innovative leadership by prioritizing the development of creativity, independence in seeking and discovering new knowledge.
  2. Carry out research in the field of nursing which includes the creation and development of adaptive and culturally relevant nursing science and technology through innovative leadership, carried out independently and / or through multidisciplinary cooperation.
  3. Carrying out community service activities based on adaptive and culturally sensitive research results through innovative leadership, in accordance with the needs for national and international health development.
  4. Developing cooperation and networking in Education, Research, and Community Service at national and international scope.


  1. Producing nursing doctors who have innovative and culturally sensitive leadership abilities, and have high abilities in research as a contribution to the development of adaptive nursing science in the form of new works / discoveries.
  2. Producing graduates who are able to realize research-based education by implementing student-centered learning.
  3. Produce graduates as agents of reform in education, services and policies who have innovative leadership skills and are culturally sensitive, impacting public health development.
  4. Produce innovative and culturally sensitive nursing leaders, to develop adaptive nursing science and influence health policy.
  5. Producing nursing researchers for the development of quality education and adaptive nursing services as well as innovative and culturally sensitive leadership, through multidisciplinary cooperation.
  6. Producing research publications in the form of scientific works and products delivered in scientific meetings, reputable national and international journals, and mass media.
  7. Producing community servants who are able to transform and commercialize research results for service and community service.
  8. Producing graduates who have innovative and culturally sensitive leadership, in order to build network cooperation for the development of adaptive nursing science in education, research and community service nationally and internationally.


Making the FoN UI Nursing Doctoral Education Program a center for nursing science education and culturally sensitive nursing research services in Indonesia in 2035.


  1. Organizing research-based, quality and culturally sensitive education.
  2. Implement and develop a learning system that integrates nursing theory and other knowledge that is culturally sensitive, so that it becomes the flagship of Southeast Asia.
  3. Carrying out research renewal in the field of nursing which includes the creation, development, and application of nursing science and technology carried out independently and or through multidisciplinary cooperation by producing publications and IPR outputs.
  4. Improve the quality of academic staff so that they are able to develop nursing science on a national and international scale.
  5. Carrying out community service activities based on research results that are in accordance with the needs of stakeholders and the community by producing publications and IPR outputs.
  6. Provide adequate facilities to support education, research, and community service activities in the field of nursing.


  1. Producing culturally sensitive nursing doctors who have high abilities in research as a contribution to the development of nursing science in the form of new works / discoveries.
  2. Producing nursing research that is oriented towards developing the quality of culturally sensitive nursing services.
  3. Produce thoughts that can contribute to the development of character, morals, and ethics of Indonesian society.
  4. Produce publications of research results in scientific activities or national and or international accredited scientific journals.
  5. Producing educators who are able to realize research-based education.
  6. Strengthen and develop networks to prepare excellent professional nursing doctors in the Southeast Asian region.
  7. Produce nursing leaders who have the ability to develop nursing science and influence health policy.
  8. To become an agent of reform that is able to influence the quality of health services to the community through the integration of theory, research and practice as well as the quality of nursing education.

Graduate Profile

Doctor of Nursing Science has the ability of cognition, psychomotor, communication and special professionalism according to their specialization, able to design evidence-based health service management (Community Leader: CL), solve problems through a transdisciplinary approach (Consultant: K), provide education to partners and the community (Educator: E) and conduct research that advances governance and scientific development that is useful so that it becomes an expert in the field of nursing and health (Researcher: R and Reform Agent: AP).

Strategic Objectives

  1. Maintain the best accreditation ratings from National Accreditation Bodies and prepare for Accreditation from International Accreditation Bodies.
  2. Organizing good, transparent, accountable and harmonious governance of the Doctor of Nursing Science Study Program.
  3. Organizing quality education by applying methods that use the latest technology (Zoom, Web, MsTeam, G-Meet, EMAS).
  4. Facilitate the development of performance-oriented academic resources and integrity to produce superior performance in tridarma.
  5. Recruit the best students from various backgrounds and have excellent academic abilities especially from educational institutions, and services.
  6. Increase the capacity and quality of research, and community service for PSDIK lecturers and students as well as the output of reputable international publications and copyrights of scientific works.
  7. Strengthening national and international collaboration to support quality tridarma.

Study Period

In accordance with the Rector's regulation number 016 of 2016 that the Doctoral Programme is scheduled for 6 (six) semesters and can be taken in at least 4 (four) semesters or for a maximum of 10 semesters. For students who follow the matriculation programme for a maximum of 2 semesters, the study period of the matriculation programme is not counted as the study period of the doctoral education programme they are following.


  • For Master and or Ners Specialist graduates
  • Academic Requirements:
  • Have a diploma of Bachelor of Nursing and Ners, Master of Nursing / Master of Nursing. Master of Nursing/MSc in Nursing/ Master of Art in Nursing/ Master of health science (Biomedical/Public Health); or Ners Specialist from an accredited university of at least B or equivalent.
  • Have a Certificate of Competence or Registration Certificate
  • At least one year of working experience in nursing after graduating from master/specialist programme.
  • Have a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3 (on a 4.00 scale).
  • Meet the minimum criteria for TPA and English scores according to UI regulations
  • Receive a recommendation from the interviewer (after the interview at the Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Indonesia).

    If the dissertation pre-proposal topic is not linear with the specialisation background in the Masters / Specialist programme, it is mandatory to follow matriculation 1-2 semesters before attending doctoral education.

  1. Persyaratan Administrasi:
  2. Apply online at the site
  3. Fill in the track record and upload the academic requirement documents:
    a. Ijazah Sarjana dan Ners, Magister. dan atau Ners Spesialis (jadikan 1 file pdf)
    b. Education institution accreditation certificate of at least B;
    c. Certificate of competence or Registration Certificate;
    d. Certificate of work experience
    e. Letter of permission/learning assignment from the head of the institution where you work
    f. Valid TPA and TOEFL (if applicable) at the link ; if the document is not uploaded, it will be considered as not fulfilling the administrative requirements.
  4. Melakukan pembayaran biaya pendaftaran SIMAK UI;
  5. Take the written examination organised by the University of Indonesia;
  6. Participate in an interview and proposal test organised by the Faculty of Nursing Science UI

Class Schedule and Location

Place : FoN UI, UI Depok Campus

Time: 5 days/week; hours between 08:00 to 18:00 for semester 1 and 2. Subsequently, lecture hours adjust to the credits of the course.

Study Period

In accordance with the Rector's regulation number 016 of 2016 that the Doctoral Programme is scheduled for 6 (six) semesters and can be taken in at least 4 (four) semesters or for a maximum of 10 semesters. For students who follow the matriculation programme for a maximum of 2 semesters, the study period of the matriculation programme is not counted as the study period of the doctoral education programme they are following.
