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FoN UI Provides Group Therapy for the Elderly with Diabetes Mellitus in Bali

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The Faculty of Nursing, University of Indonesia (FoN UI) carries out community service through group therapy interventions in self-care for the elderly (elderly) with Diabetes Mellitus. The activity was carried out on Tuesday (9/8) in the working area of ​​Puskesmas 1 Gerokgak, Buleleng Regency, Bali.

The community engagement program is carried out as one of the implementations of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. Team of the Faculty of Nursing, University of Indonesia (FoN UI) led by Dr. Etty Rekawati, S.Kp., MKM, with Dr. Sigit Mulyono, S.Kp., M.N as a field supervisor with 4 community nursing specialist program students consisting of Ns. Ni Made Candra Citra Sari, S.Kep., M.Kep, Ns. T. Widya Naralia, S.Kep., M.Kep, Ns. Syamikar Baridwan, S.Kep., M.Kep, and Ns. Yolinda Suciliyana, S.Kep., M.Kep.

They have carried out community service activities carried out at the Gerokgak Health Center 1, Buleleng Regency, Bali. The target of the community engagement program is people who have high blood sugar (diabetes mellitus sufferers) in the working area of ​​Puskesmas 1 Gerokgak.

One of the community nursing specialist program students, Ni Made Candra Citra Sari, said that cases of non-communicable diseases, one of which is diabetes mellitus (DM) have become a serious problem faced by the whole world, including Indonesia. “In 2019, diabetes was the direct cause of death from 1.5 million cases of death and 48% of these deaths occurred before the age of 70. DM is the second most common disease after hypertension in Buleleng Regency, Bali,” he explained.

Mentioned from the Bali Health Profile in 2018, it was reported that DM was ranked second, out of the top ten outpatient and inpatient diagnoses in first-level health facilities and advanced health facilities for the 2018 JKN program.

Candra added, various ways of handling and controlling have been carried out by the government. Namely, through Perkeni, the government has issued guidelines for the five pillars of DM control. The government has implemented a DM screening and treatment program by holding an Integrated Posko (POSBINDU) which is carried out at the RT/RW or Village/Dusun level.

“The government has tried to provide free health insurance to patients who have a history of illness who must receive long-term treatment through BPJS-KIS. Unfortunately, the various efforts that have been made are not in line with the prevalence of DM which is increasing every year,” he added.

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