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Community Nursing Specialist Study Program

Head of Community Nursing Specialist Study Program

Dr. Etty Rekawati, S.Kp., M.K.M.

Community Nursing Specialist Study Program is a study program that is carried out after students complete the Master of Nursing Study Program. This specialist education phase is taken in 2 semesters and a maximum of 3 semesters. Graduates of the Community Nursing Specialist Study Program will obtain the professional Community Nursing Specialist (Sp.Kep.K.)


"Making the Community Nursing Specialist Study Program a center of excellence in the development of science and technology in community nursing and specialist practitioners of community nursing that are culturally sensitive and responsive to the national and international public health nursing needs in 2035."


  1. Providing broad access for generalist nurses in attending quality professional community nursing education.
  2. Organizing education and teaching of quality community nursing specialists and relevant to national and international nursing challenges.
  3. Preparing graduates who have a caring attitude (high concern) and are responsive to the needs of the client system (individuals, families, groups, and society) in accordance with cultural background.
  4. Developing and implementing community nursing research refers to the development of culturally sensitive science and technology for community benefit for the community.
  5. Developing and implementing services and services to culturally sensitive societies based practice in community nursing.
  6. Developing national and international networks to improve Tridharma quality community nursing specialists.
  7. Fostering nursing institutions in the development and implementation of community nursing in the realization of the Higher Education Tri Dharma.
  8. Encouraging the involvement of community nursing specialist alumni in the development of Study Programs and community nursing services.


  1. Produce community nursing specialist nurses who are able to apply community nursing knowledge based on evidence based in order to improve the quality of community nursing care.
  2. Produce community nursing specialist nurses who are able to apply professional performance as demonstrated by the application of the results of the development of community nursing science and technology.
  3. Produce community nursing specialist nurses who are able to develop and update community nursing knowledge including nursing interventions and/or modality therapy in community nursing.
  4. Produce community nursing specialist nurses who are able to solve complex problems that arise in community nursing care.

Graduate Profile

Community nursing ners specialists who are able to perform case management and provide specialist nursing care using the latest knowledge and expertise of specialist nursing in an ethical, culturally sensitive, effective and professional manner.


  1. Have a master’s degree in nursing from an accredited college of at least B with a specialization in Community Nursing.
  2. Have a bachelor’s degree in Nursing and Nursing Profession from an accredited university at least B.
  3. Have a minimum of 2 (two) years of clinical work experience in the field of specialization that is followed (calculated after graduating from Ners).
  4. Have a Certificate of Registration (STR) Ners.
  5. Have a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.00 (out of a 4.00 scale).
  6. Meet the minimum score criteria for TPA and English according to University regulations.
  7. Meet the criteria for a special exam (interview) of at least 70.
  • Register online;
  • Uploading documents related to academic requirements number 1 to 5 (if not uploading the document is considered not to meet administrative requirements);
  • Fill out the questionnaire, on the link:;
  • Take a written exam organized by the University;
  • Take the Special Examination (interview) organized by FIK-UI

Time and Place of Lecture/Practice

Place: Faculty of Nursing UI, Depok or Salemba UI Campus (only for guest lecturers)

Time: (3 days/week) or a schedule that is adjusted to the implementation of the current semester’s courses.

Held 6 days/week.

Note: Participants who come from non-University Indonesia graduates, if necessary, must attend and pass the matriculation program for 1 (one) semester.