Building & Room : Gedung Pasca Sarjana, Room # 113
Address (office) : Kampus UI Depok, Jawa Barat 16424
Email : elly-nrm@ui.ac.id
Catholic University, Doctorate Program, 1998, nursing (medical surgical)
University of Sydney, Master Program,1990, nursing (medical surgical)
Universities Indonesia, Bachelor Program, 1988, nursing (general)
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Negara, Bachelor Program, 1993, public administration
Professional membership
SIgma Theta Thau Internastional
I had worked in intensive cardiovascular care in RS Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta since 1971 for more than 14 years and had experience worked in critical care unit abroad in the middle of my study there. In Canterbury Hospital Sydney, my first patient was a young pilot, 32 years old with seriously ill due to HIV/AIds. Since then, both condition have made me always interested in caring those types of patients. Therefore, my field of research and community service are also involving problems in nursing of medical surgical areas, mostly in Cardiovascular nursing, HIV/Aids prevention for young generation specifically teen girls, Aids patients and their adherence to ARV, and off course, researches and community services in other area of medical surgical such as Critical are, stroke, renal failure or endocrine problems.
As a professor who focus on medical surgical nursing I have supervised many master, clinical nurse specialist, and doctorate students in those areas. In addition to assist students in exploring health problems to develop intervention or prevention models and new research instruments, I also supervise students who want to develop new intervention nursing devices in order to improve quality of care to the patients. For example, an early detection device for patient to identify level of blood sugar, to identify early sign of retinopathy diabetic complication, indicator of signs to detect recurrent stroke, and some software / application program to improve healthy lifestyle.
Selected Grants
- “PUTI Q3 2020” The Effect of Smartphone based Peri-operative Nursing Intervention Model on Anxiety and Early Mobilization of Post Cardiac Surgery Patients at RSPJN Harapan Kita, Principal Investigator.
- “PUTI Q3 2020” The development of Virtual Nursing Disaster Education Method to Support the Competency and Handling Preparedness of Emergency Response on Earthquake Disaster, Principal Investigator.
- “PUTI Proceeding 2020” Smartphone based Self-Care Management, discharge planning and therapy adherence of patients with Cardiac Illness, Principal Investigator.
- Praktik PPM 2020 ” Community Education Program to prevent Cardiac Disease: Three Yes Two No, Principal Investigator.
- “PUTI Doktor 2019” The experience of adherence among hemodialysis patients undergoing therapeutic regimen: a qualitative study, Principal Investigator
- “PUTI Doktor 2018” Optimizing the Use of Digital sensors (non-invasive) for early detection of risk factors for recurrent stroke to improve quality of care, Principal Investigator.
- “PUPT 2018” Mother-Daughter Communication Model on Reproductive Health to Prevent Early Sexual Relationship dan Contagious Sexual Infection in Five Highest HIV Prevalence Provinces in Indonesia (Third year), Principal Investigator
- “PUPT 2017” Mother-Daughter Communication Model on Reproductive Health to Prevent Early Sexual Relationship dan Contagious Sexual Infection in Five Highest HIV Prevalence Provinces in Indonesia (Second year), Principal Invstigator.
- “PUPT 2016” Mother-Daughter Communication Model on Reproductive Health to Prevent Early Sexual Relationship dan Contagious Sexual Infection in Five Highest HIV Prevalence Provinces in Indonesia (Third year), Principal Investigator.
Selected Publications
- “Mother-daughter communication about sexual and reproductive health issues in Singkawang, West Kalimantan, Indonesia”. Enfermedia Clinica. 27 (supply 1); 172 -175, 2017
- “Adolescent-parent communicaton about sexual and reproductive health among junior high school students in five areas with the highest prevalesnce of HIV in Indonesia”: A qualitative study, Enfemeria Clinica,, 29(Suppl 2), pp.194-198, 2019
- “Quality of Life in Cardiac Surgery, A Concept Analysis” International Journal of Nursing Education, April-June 2020, Vol. 12 no.2, pp. 152 – 155. ISSN 0974-9349 (Print). ISSN 0974-9357 (electronic)
- Optimizing the Use of Digital sensors (non-invasive) for early detection of risk factors for recurrent stroke to improve quality of care. Journal F1000, 2020
- The experience of adherence among hemodialysis patients undergoing therapeutic regimen: a qualitative study. Journal F 1000, January 2021