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Hening Pujasari, S.Kp., M.Biomed., MANP, Ph.D

Assistant Professor | Department of Basic Science and Fundamental of Nursing

Building & Room : Gedung E Lantai 7 Rumpun Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Indonesia
Address (office) : Kampus UI Depok, Jabar, Indonesia 16424
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University of Illinois at Chicago College of Nursing, Doctor of Philosophy, Nursing
University of Melbourne, School of Nursing, Master of Nursing, Nursing
Universitas Indonesia Faculty of Medicine, Master of Biomedical Science, Biomedical Science
Universitas Indonesia Faculty of Nursing, Bachelor of Nursing (Sarjana Keperawatan), Nursing

Professional membership

Sleep Research Society, Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, Indonesian Nurses Association, NCD Alliance (Network Member), Sigma Theta Tau


Hening Pujasari is an assistant professor at the Universitas Indonesia, Faculty of Nursing, Department of Basic Science, and Fundamental of Nursing. She completed her master’s in biomedical science, a specialty in Pathobiology. She also completed her master’s in nursing focusing on advanced nursing practice and the emergency stream. She actively teaches basic science for nurses which combines Pathology, Pharmacology, Microbiology, and Parasitology; adult nursing; research methods; ethics in nursing; and academic writing subjects. She writes books and publishes in peer review journals. She completed her Doctoral of Philosophy focusing on sleep and HIV among drug users in Indonesia. Hening is certified as a Cognitive Behavior Therapist for Insomnia, Sleep Therapist, and Sleep Science Coach. Hening actively carried out research and community services in the area of sleep, Pathobiology in general, HIV, Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As a practicing nurse, her goal is to help people improve their sleep quality and wellness.

Selected Grants

  • PUTI Q2 2022, Shift Work Disorders Symptoms and Cardiovascular Health Status of Nurses in an Indonesian Hospital during Covid-19 Pandemic, Principal Investigator. UI Research and Development Directorate
  • Hibah Inovasi FIKUI 2022, The Use of a Digital Health Improved App in Addressing Non- communicable Diseases During and Post Pandemic Covid-19, Principal Investigator. UI Faculty of Nursing
  • Hibah PPM UI 2022, Empowering Community in Health Literacy for Sustainable Tourism in Sembalun Village, East Lombok, NTB, Coordinator
  • Hibah PPM UI 2022,empowering Community in Information Literacy for Sustainable Tourism in Sembalun Village, East Lombok, NTB, Coordinator
  • International Research Collaboration WCU 2022, International Comparative Research on Sleep and Health among Specific Populations, Principle Investigator
  • UI Q2 International Publication Assistance 2021, Knowledge, Perception, and Awareness of The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) among Nurse Educators in Indonesia, Principal Investigator
  • Hibah PPM UI 2021, Isoman-buddy, Coordinator
  • Hibah PPM 2021, Prevent and control hypertension during and post Covid-19 Pandemc, Coordinator

Selected Publications

